Red Door is now Blue Door?

OK, I've tried to be patient with eBay in all the drastic changes they've been making, but this is just too much!   Please, what's this with the iconic eBay store "red door", that has suddenly become a BLUE door on listing pages on .com???? Which bubble-brained dunderhead thought up this idea?  My store icon suddenly became blue today, and now so am I.


The "red door" has been the icon to click forever on eBay -- why in heaven's name change it now?  Now it just more or less melds in with all the other blue ink on eBay's pages.  Any psychologist, any artist, any marketing professional, will tell you red stands out and gets attention.  Blue does not.  (As an aside, I recall seeing insurance stats about red cars being less likely to be in a fender-bender because they're more noticeable than other colours). 


I noticed this the other day when I checked one of my listings on .com and thought it was a glitch --  there are so many these days it's hard to tell what it deliberate and what's a bug.  Please, please, PLEASE, eBay, tell us this is a bug, and not some deliberate ploy to keep stores' visibility lower (now that you've given us all free listings!).


P.S.  I know I'm going to probably get all sorts of backlash here for being over-sensitive, over-critical, over-stressed, over-anxious about the small stuff, and that life does go on (:-O), etc., but this is just too much!  How would hockey fans like their shirt colours to suddenly be changed (or remember how much brouhaha there was over changing the Canadian flag?).  You just don't mess with an icon. 


Bad eBay, naughty boys (and girls) in San Jose who just can't stop playing with this site like it's a computer game ... 

Message 1 of 41
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Re: Red Door is now Blue Door?

Community Member
I can understand your frustration. One of many blunders by eBay, no matter how big or small the change might be. If it ain't broke, don't fix it. I think someone at eBay is trying to justify their job!
Message 2 of 41
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Re: Red Door is now Blue Door?

How would hockey fans like their shirt colours to suddenly be changed .....


Happens all the time Rose. Buffalo, Pittsburgh, LA , Anaheim, Vancouver, Edmonton, Phoenix, off the top of my head.


Jersey colours are usually changed with New Ownership.


Why, another avenue for revenue. Sports fans love new jersey styles.


At least they didn't change it to a green door.  That would just remind me of thet naughty film from the seventies.


Not that i saw it.Smiley Wink

Message 3 of 41
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Re: Red Door is now Blue Door?

Take a look a the original six. Not quite the same, is it now?
Message 4 of 41
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Re: Red Door is now Blue Door?

Very minor style changes with Montreal, Rangers & Detroit, though Detroit wore the stripes as a third jersey in the early 90s.


Boston & Toronto have seen many changes. 


Rangers had a different style in the, i believe, mid 70s. Winnipeg adopted that style when John Ferguson left the Rangers & became GM of the Jets. They then reverted back to their original style.


Chicago has added a black third jersey which looks great.


Colours of the original six, i believe, have remained the same since i started watching hockey.

Message 5 of 41
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Re: Red Door is now Blue Door?

Well, OK, I got you guys into a hockey-schmockey discussion over jerseys Woman Very Happy   Whoops - I should have known better.


All right, for all you women out there, what if Chanel changed its iconic B&W logo -- OMG the world might collapse.

Message 6 of 41
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Re: Red Door is now Blue Door?

Actually Rose, at one time Chanel had some Promo Hockey Jerseys.


I sold them a few years back.

Message 7 of 41
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Re: Red Door is now Blue Door?

rose-dee, when I search for your listings on .com, I see a red door, not blue.


As I mentioned to you before, your listings are fabulous.  This gave me a chance to look at them once again.


With respect to your question, though, I don't mind seeing designers or companies changing their colours -- as long as they keep their logo so I can find it easily 🙂  I guess I'm easily bored.

Message 8 of 41
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Re: Red Door is now Blue Door?

Hi 'jt' , and thank you for the kind compliment.  I must admit I spend a lot of time on those listings...


I think you have to actually open a listing on to see the blue door icon at the right side.  Probably the reasons I reacted so vehemently to this change were:


1)  Red is less easy to spot in a hurry but blue blends in (especially where it is on .com, above those active ads); and

2)  I wish eBay would just leave things alone for a while and stop this constant fiddling and tweaking.


You (and 'bb') of course are right that logos change, and times change, but some logo/icon changes have been disastrous -- think of Coca-Cola's branding fiasco a few years ago.  They quickly reverted back to where they were and everybody was happy again. 


I don't know - maybe I also felt it was like the landlord coming along one day and painting the door to my store a different colour without even mentioning it.  I suppose there was a little sense of ownership in that logo.  Oh well, yet another change to adapt to.  Woman Frustrated

Message 9 of 41
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Re: Red Door is now Blue Door?

"I think you have to actually open a listing on to see the blue door icon at the right side."


You're right --- I didn't notice that before.


I agree with your comments about red -- I always use it for an important point in my descriptions.


I also felt it was like the landlord coming along one day and painting the door to my store a different colour without even mentioning it. 



Message 10 of 41
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Re: Red Door is now Blue Door?

"The "red door" has been the icon to click forever on eBay "


Forever?  Not quite.


I remember (yes it is surprising how I remember things from a long time ago yet cannot remember what I had for lunch) when eBay changed the icon for the stores about ten years ago.  Stores were identified with a red price tag before the icon was changed to the red door.  Most sellers with an eBay store at the time did not like the change.


Ten years later we all got used to it.


Time to change it again.


And life does go on.

Message 11 of 41
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Re: Red Door is now Blue Door?

Hi all,


I have to agree, change just for the sake of change is irritating and tiresome. With all the things that need to be taken care of and fixed on this site, seeing time and energy spent on things like this is even more annoying.  Just take care of the important things ebay and stop moving stuff around on the pages and changing colour schemes, besides it has made ebay really ugly to look at now, it used to be nice and bright and cheerful, now it's like a hospital corridor, just my opinion. 



Message 12 of 41
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Re: Red Door is now Blue Door?

@threebears63 wrote:

I have to agree, change just for the sake of change is irritating and tiresome.

Have to agree too. Which reminds me that yesterday, I paid for items I won the day before and eBay changed the way checkout is looking... again - only a few months (or less than a year) after changing it. And the new look is even harder to read and understand than the previous one. I was just beginning to get used to the new look. So irritating....

Message 13 of 41
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Re: Red Door is now Blue Door?

Maybe your store isn't getting enough oxygen.

Imagination will often carry us to worlds that never were. But without it we go nowhere. Carl Sagan
Message 14 of 41
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Re: Red Door is now Blue Door?

@surplusdealdude wrote:

Maybe your store isn't getting enough oxygen.

Smiley LOL 

Well, it isn't quite asphyxiated yet, but not as red hot as it was last year at this time either.  Maybe this is what eBay is trying to tell me.  Now we get different coloured doors for different activity levels.  


I just don't grasp eBay's need to switch colours - I can understand designing a new logo, but what's the point of this endless tweaking.  As one poster above said, I wish those people in San Jose would just concentrate for a while on making the site work properly


To paraphrase the old 1920's jazz tune: "Am I blue? ....  Am I blue? ...  Ain't this door in my store telling you..?"

Message 15 of 41
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Re: Red Door is now Blue Door?

Re: Red Door is now Blue Door?

@pierrelebel wrote:

"The "red door" has been the icon to click forever on eBay "


Forever?  Not quite.

I remember (yes it is surprising how I remember things from a long time ago yet cannot remember what I had for lunch) when eBay changed the icon for the stores about ten years ago.  Stores were identified with a red price tag before the icon was changed to the red door. 

Pierre, that was a rhetorical "forever", meant for emphasis.  As in, "I've been waiting forever for her to reply".  Anyway, you're right, I remember the red price tag.  However, I see no advantage or improvement whatsoever in this current colour change - what's the point? 


One guess I'd like to postulate for discussion:  You know those annoying "live" ads that now appear just under where the store icons are placed?  Maybe all those advertisers who are paying big bucks to have TV-style ads on eBay's site, only to have visitors click on the most prominent object around it (the erstwhile red door), weren't too darn happy. 


I'd say that would be one explanation for an otherwise apparently nonsensical change.  Thoughts? 

Message 17 of 41
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Re: Red Door is now Blue Door?

pierrelebel wrote:


Yep, that's the one.  And here's the man (with a little help from his off-key friend) - there's a lot of chit-chatting before they get to it, but fun:

Message 18 of 41
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Re: Red Door is now Blue Door?

"I think you have to actually open a listing on to see the blue door icon at the right side."


It's blue on both sites for me.



Message 19 of 41
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Re: Red Door is now Blue Door?

Could it be a glitch ?


Still see the Red Door on both sites.

Message 20 of 41
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