Shipments to UK

This has been talked about, but I need a solution and any help would be appreciated.

A box to UK via Canada Post takes about 4 weeks and costs about 90.00CAD. The Same via UPS takes about 3-6 days and costs about 120.00CAD.

Yet the same box in the US via USPS costs about 35.00USD, also 4 weeks.

I need a solution. Speed is not the problem. It is cost. And customs fees.

I am willing to ship a large amount to take advantage of lower costs. Suggestions?
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Re: Shipments to UK

Community Member
I can ship via CP's Express Post service for slightly more than my regular parcel price (20% higher) to the UK and it will be delivered in 4-6 business days. I cant give you my cost offhand as I would need more info on the size and weight of your box.

You cant do anything about their customs fees nor can they except pay it.

If your box weighs 10 lbs, Greyhound will charge you $73.03 and deliver it in 2 days.

I think that you will find the courier rates pretty standard for shipping overseas and generally quite high. That is why I got out of shipping internationally.

I spent 1/2 my time quoting shipping rates and lost money in shipping 1/5 times because I calcultaed and quoted incorrectly, usually because I felt guilty about the rates I had to charge.


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