Summer Jobs
Community Member
Hi Everyone,

We're looking for stories of people (primarily students) who have used eBay to earn money during the summer as opposed to getting a "traditional" summer job. If this sounds like you or someone you know, please get in touch either by responding to this post or by emailing me at Thanks. Tullah
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Re: Summer Jobs

Community Member
How many students have the credit history to get a credit card so they can sell?:-D "Freedom is irrelevant. Self-determination is irrelevant.
You must comply." ~Collective
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Re: Summer Jobs

Community Member
Yes..I think now it is easier to get a cc..and then there are mature students..who may be changing careers and upgrading their education.Therefore already having a credit history.I sure could have used one in my starving student days..:)
lisa "Freedom is irrelevant. Self-determination is irrelevant.
You must comply." ~Collective
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Re: Summer Jobs

Now, if this was NEXT Sept. I could fill this out. Man..going back to college at 43.I have been out of school longer than most of the other students are old. When life seems like an uphill climb, take comfort in the fact that you're mooning everyone behind you!
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Re: Summer Jobs

Community Member
I went back to college at age 40, and that was years ago. And I absolutely loved it. The academics were tough, the environment strange, and the people fantastic.
But I'd do it again in a second! :-p Image hosted by

I cannot comprehend how any man can want anything but the truth. (Marcus Aurelius}
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Re: Summer Jobs

Community Member
My first year at school I applied for a credit card and got one no problem. That was about 12 years ago. Now not liking that field I am going back to school in September. Nice to hear I am not alone!

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Re: Summer Jobs

Community Member
I remember when I was in CEGEP, and basically there was an add that was handed out that had all the store and gas cards in the world you could apply for.
Reach up for the sunrise, put your hands up to the big sky. You can touch the sunrise, feel the new day, enter your life.........Here's to living as well as we can, with what we've got, for as long as we can!

May I have your attention please
Will the real Slim Shady Bruizer please stand up
We're gonna have a problem here
Cause I'm Slim Shady Bruizer yes I'm the real Shady Bruizer
All you other Slim Shadys Bruizers are just imitating
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Re: Summer Jobs

Community Member
West Coast Bump, regards to David_Darlene
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