The winner of my auction is requesting questionable shipping practices. Should I cancel my transaction?

Community Member

   Just made my first sale... almost, and the buyer is asking me to put a lower value on the item for customs declaration.  At first I thought nothing of it and said I'd see if it would conflict with the insured amount.  From what I understand I can't put a lesser customs value than the insured value.  


   I explained this already but he is asking that I don't bother insuring it.  I've told him I insist on insuring for the full amount.  Now he says(in broken english) he doesn't want to complete the transaction if I can't do this.


   It gets better: He also wants to split up the payment on 2 different credit cards.  Now I'm getting annoyed.  He's won the auction and received an invoice and should just make the payment.  It's not my problem how he choses to compile his funds and I wouldn't know how, nor do I want to bill him with two separate invoices.


  Here's the kicker:  He is a zero feedback buyer, but for some reason he has another account with %100 positive feedback.  He made an initial bid with this account then made a later winning bid with the zero feedback account.  maybe he's got a second account for his sketchy transactions and tries to keep the other legit?  


   The auction ended on the 17th at 10PM.  eBay prompted me to send an invoice because of some error, so I did so by 8AM on the 18th.  Not quite 2 days since auction closing but I want to end this transaction.  Can I do so?  On what grounds?  Should I report the buyer(both of his accounts)?


   This is my first sale and I'm not looking to start off with negative feedback.  I just want to end this transaction smoothly and relist my item, but I feel I should report and give this buyer negative feedback to warn other sellers.  What should I do?

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Re:The winner of my auction is requesting questionable shipping practices. Should I cancel my transaction?

Community Member

Sorry to see no-one answered you.  I hope I can help a bit.

There are many things going on here.  And the whole thing may be completely legit.

Or not...

We could spend ages outlining various possible scenarios and what you could do.  But here's what I would do in your shoes - just to make it simple and quick.  Cancel the transaction.  

You are uncomfortable with what is happening and what he is asking.  He has already said he would want the transaction cancelled if you can't (won't) do as he wants.  So, you've got your way out. End the whole thing now by cancelling it.  Especially since it is your first sale.  Try again.  Hopefully with better, smoother luck.

As it is, it may be fine.  Or it may be a mine field.

Good luck! 🙂

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Re:The winner of my auction is requesting questionable shipping practices. Should I cancel my transaction?

Community Member

BTW - when you move to cancel a transaction, I believe you are offered a list of reasons.  Pick the one that most closely matches.


As for reporting the buyer - you could, but I'm not sure what you could say.  You haven't got a case or dispute (at this point) - just suspicion (and some potential clues).   However, you could give it a whirl.  Personally, I appreciate someone wanting to do the right thing. Thank you!


However, note that a Seller cannot leave neg feedback for a buyer. And it is a violation to leave positive feedback with a negative comment.  The buyer could report YOU!  

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