What can i do when the seller cancel my transaction ?

Community Member

Reason for cancel transaction request: The seller did not provide a specific reason.

Click the "Respond now" button to accept or decline this cancellation.

If you don't take action by 15-Sep-2014, the seller will be able to cancel the purchase without your consent

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You can accept the request. If you do, both of you are re...

I used gift visa card for buying snd now I lost the card ... so what can I do ?!
Message 2 of 5
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You can accept the request. If you do, both of you are re...

So can I pay then?!!
Message 3 of 5
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You can accept the request. If you do, both of you are re...

Can you give me thw answer ?!!
Message 4 of 5
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You can accept the request. If you do, both of you are re...

You can accept the request.

If you do, both of you are released from the transaction, both can leave feedback, and the seller gets her fees back.


You can refuse the request. The transaction remains valid, both can leave feedback, the seller does not get her fees back, and she cannot open an Unpaid Item dispute.


You can ignore the request. The transaction remains valid for a week then closes automatically, both can leave feedback, the seller gets her fees back.


As to why, you can only ask the Seller that. You can mention the MC request in feedback, but remember the most effective feedback is calm and factual.

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