What is the Weath Porential of ebay

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Has anybody got rich doing this?
(100k - 1m ?)
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What is the Weath Porential of ebay

Oh Yeah!!! You can puchase my how to get rich on Ebay program for only $999.00 and you to can experience the wealth of Ebay. If I only sell 1,001 of these I will be a millionare.
Donald Trump
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What is the Weath Porential of ebay

Community Member
People who get rich on Ebay:

1) Bill Cobb
2) Ebay Stock Holders
3) People who teach at "Ebay University"
4) Buyers who know how to use Paypal to rip off Sellers

The rest of us are just people working away to enrich a huge company, like so many others. The only difference is we do it from home and we make our own hours.

Self directed Slavery as opposed to the supervised kind(employment)
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What is the Weath Porential of ebay

Community Member
Oy, it's not very often I agree with tea.

....off to get a stiff shot.


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What is the Weath Porential of ebay

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Come See What Else We've Got Up For Auction!

When you find doing what's right hard to do - you've got a problem.
Message 5 of 38
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What is the Weath Porential of ebay

Nice post tea Thanks.

(Dream About Comics)

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket


Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
Message 6 of 38
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What is the Weath Porential of ebay

Community Member
I think prime time for e-bay selling was about 5 years ago, now it more like hobby. You know, hobby cost money...
Message 7 of 38
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What is the Weath Porential of ebay

Community Member
perfectly said...i'm starting to think more now about how much its COSTING me to sell on ebay as opposed to how much money i make!
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What is the Weath Porential of ebay

Message 9 of 38
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What is the Weath Porential of ebay

Community Member
Come on it's not that bad, you can figure to make 50%

Profit on average after all the fees etc. are Paid.

I'll admit you got To hustle & use strategy to earn it.

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What is the Weath Porential of ebay

Community Member
well it depends on what you're selling of course! you COULD potentially make 50% or you could potentially lose money...
...i spend lots of time creating my individual listings, do all my research etc...but i have noticed a drop in sales from this time last year big time..i'm lately doing the reverse...buying off ebay at great prices and selling at art auction houses...i'm positioned (for now) to make more money (much more) this way then when i was buying at auction to sell here...
...i'm not even sure what my plan is on ebay anymore in the near future, but for right now, doesn't involve listing anything soon!
Message 11 of 38
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What is the Weath Porential of ebay

Community Member
Way to adapt Kat. Smart move.


Message 12 of 38
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What is the Weath Porential of ebay

Community Member
If all sellers done the same, ebay staff would have to

open ebay Stores!:) it would be part of there job descrition!
Message 13 of 38
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What is the Weath Porential of ebay

Hey Kat. I gave up buying at auction houses because of the buyers premium that they charged... 18%.
How does that work in your venue?

Message 14 of 38
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What is the Weath Porential of ebay

Community Member
Way to adapt . Smart move.

sad, but true...i do enjoy selling on ebay (well, not all the listing, packing, researching, just the actual act of making money of course ;-))...

Hey . I gave up buying at auction houses because of the buyers premium that they charged... 18%.
How does that work in your venue?

...same thing here buck, i try and find auction houses that don't charge premiums, but they're getting far and few between, and all the 'good' auction houses charge anywhere from 5-20%...which of course factors into the cost, not to mention the tax (although, now that we're incorporated, we're excused from the taxes at auction as 'dealers')...its also harder and harder to get deals at auctions anymore, as they're getting more and more popular...attendances at auctions over the last decade has increased so much, it's not funny...although, i do hope to still find the odd 'diamond in the rough' and be able to list on ebay, its not like i don't want to anymore 😞
Message 15 of 38
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What is the Weath Porential of ebay

haven't you read all those stores of people who quit their FT job 2 work selling on ebay ?
my buddy even hired an offshore to reply his emails, haa haa
Message 16 of 38
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What is the Weath Porential of ebay

Community Member
So Then why is ebay running TV commercials in the US
to bring sales up, and why not run some in Canada.
Message 17 of 38
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What is the Weath Porential of ebay

Community Member
Wow! After reading all of this interesting stuff, I feel more like I do now than when I came in here !!!
Message 18 of 38
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What is the Weath Porential of ebay

Community Member
Whats Getting Rich ??? Humans are never satisfied they always want more what a dumb toil it all is .

For Profit im at 13,500.00 a month average right now on ebay . Im seasonal so kick it up to 17,500.00 a month in the summer spring fall and have new products comming online in the next few months . Hopefully ill reach my goal b4 the year is out 25-28 k a month. Thats net Profit not sales sales im at around 80-100k a month .

But it takes money to make money if your looking just to make money outta thin air or outta very low overhead its very very hard next to impossible. I carry 200+ K in inventory at any one time and im very aggressive seller .

I also have other buissness ventures which bring me in money a few 000 a week .

All this at 25 years old. God givin skill . Some ppl have the talent others dont but they try which is the important thing .
Message 19 of 38
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What is the Weath Porential of ebay

Community Member
I suppose the recent price of gold has no part in your success?
Message 20 of 38
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