ever had your eBay sales audited?

Community Member
Yup, not looking forward to this one.

Anyone been thru an audit? I was told the initial interview lasts 2-3 hours, a list of questions. Any idea what goes on in this interview and what kind/type of questions I have to look forward to?

*JMHO* - to be taken with a grain of salt!
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Re: ever had your eBay sales audited?

I'm presuming this is an "income tax" audit not a GST or payroll audit. Usually the auditor will pretty much stick to "their" area.

First off, your initial session should include plenty of questions but unless you are very very sure you know what to answer you are under no obligation to do anything but take notes and offer to provide answers at a later date (usually a week later).

The auditor will provide a list of documentation they want to see, this will include, bank statements, deposit books, sales records, expense records.

Areas of particular interest are often,how you record and track revenues (if they ask...do you receive cash payments? make sure to answer "correctly"), any cash expenses, automobile expenses, entertainment expenses. They will absolutely want explanations of all cheques that have been written to yourself (or to "cash"). Other payments to individuals instead of companies also get extra attention. You may need to explain your methods of record keeping, there is no right or wrong way, you just have to show that it's complete and has a reasonable expectation of accuracy.

Of course the type of entity you operate as (Corporation, Partnership, Sole Proprietor) will make a difference to how things proceed but the basics are the same. If it's not a corporation they will look much closer to see if you are trying to expense things which don't qualify. This is especially true if you operate from your residence or use a personal vehicle (as in "you sell digital downloads but you claim $20,000 in automobile expenses?").

Unless by some miracle (and an incredibly small and simple business) the auditor will want to return to examine all the documentation once it has been complied, this could take 1 or 2 days or 1 or 2 weeks all depending on the complexity and quantity of the material.

Most important, you can ALWAYS say "I'll have to find those files" or "I need to ask my bookeeper/accountant" of course you MUST come through with the answers as promised or you will have trouble.


"What else could I do? I had no trade so I became a peddler" - Lazarus Greenberg 1915
- answering Trolls is voluntary, my policy is not to participate.
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Re: ever had your eBay sales audited?

Community Member
Thanks Ben.

Yes, it's a sole proprietorship, yes it's operated out of my home.

Unfortunately, my bookkeeping hasn't been the best, so I fear I'm in for it. Not that I was trying to cheat, just haven't kept the best track of expenses, etc. And, I'm finding that some older files I need are no longer on-line (2001/2002) so it's not going to go well.

*JMHO* - to be taken with a grain of salt!
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Re: ever had your eBay sales audited?

Nice to see you posting here again catseye*.
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Re: ever had your eBay sales audited?

Community Member
Probably not for long. What with the new fee increases, decreased sales, increased postage etc, I'll probably have to find a new line of work.

This audit will be the death of me.

*JMHO* - to be taken with a grain of salt!
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Re: ever had your eBay sales audited?

First Todd and now you. I wonder if that Vancouver Sun exposure is having this residual affect.

I know what you mean though. The fee increases everywhere, including the $US exchange rate, over the last 2 years have been crippling. Also, both my laptop motherboards currently have significant problems. This Christmas too, was more anoemic than previous years and my Turbo Lister data base keeps on getting corrupted. If some other line of work were to present itself right now I'd certainly accept it.
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Re: ever had your eBay sales audited?

Community Member
I thought the same thing. Seems AWFULLY coincidental, doesn't it?

I too need a new computer, this one is crawling at a snails-pace.

*JMHO* - to be taken with a grain of salt!
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