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A couple of years ago, in my first on-line dialogue with Canada's country manager, I inquired as to why I wasn't able to find my listings on I was basically dismissed and told that I didn't know what I was talking about because all ...
As you may know the Trading Assistant Locator program wasn't working, with regards to BC, for years and years. If you sought a TA in Vancouver you'd be directed to someone in Alberta or the US. I've been registered as a TA for, perhaps, 4 years witho...
Aug. 24 Dow Jones: Toward the end it mentions a buyer malaise that I haven't noticed. I've enjoyed summer record-breaking sales for the last 3 months. ...
The porcine Bill Cobb explains his new gluttony: As of August 22, 2006 Starting Price New Insertion Fee Current Fee $0.01 – 24.99 5¢ 2¢ $25.00 – and higher 10¢ 2¢ Selling Price New Final Valu...
1) I just listed my first laptop auction last night and so far have promptly heard from 3 thieves. The first was from a Russian and the others were from Nigerians. I sent the, more obvious, Nigerian offers to SafeHarbour. The first one might have tak...