An interesting development regarding PS3 sales:
While eBay has exhibited a concern regarding sellers of these systems there appears to be an organized, and successful, effort on the part of Playstation buyers to limit the profitability of these sought-after, state-of-the-art entertainment consoles. If you're like me then the greatest number of eBay scammers that you run into are buyers. Current eBay protocols protect unethical buyers as long as they allow them to endlessly reregister under another eBay ID and the current situation proves this in spades.
Every PS3 listing during the last week (I've only looked back as far as last Monday), without exception, as it approaches the $1000 mark, is taken over by sham bidders. That is they bid very high, win the auction, don't pay, they're NARU'd, they obtain a new eBay ID, and repeat the process. They've probably organized on some PS3 Disscusion Board (All Discussion Board participants are conspirators you know) and I'm guessing that they're justifying their actions by preventing greedy profiteering but there are 2 sides to every story.
Many of the kids who camped outside of electronics stores to buy these systems took off a couple of days from work and school. The young man whom I'm going to represent as a trading assistant both attends school and works. With profits limited by buyers to a couple of hundred bucks (most sell between $700-$800) many will never recover their losses.
The greater point is that, while much noise is consistantly made about buyer protection, there will never be any effective seller protection until something is done about the ability of corrupt buyers to repeatedly sign up on eBay using a new user ID.