if i refund the buyer there money do i get bak the ebay 10 % final fee?

problem with the purchase but buyer has paid wants his money bak do i loose the 90 dollars in fees for the 10 % final credit?

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To get back your fees on the sale (Final Value Fees) you...

You get back the Final Value Fee of about 9-10%.

Since the listing did not find a willing buyer, you still pay the listing fees.

Can you make a Second Chance Order ? Having a second buyer on the string could be useful.

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To get back your fees on the sale (Final Value Fees) you...

BTW there are no pictures showing for me for those "cent" auctions. Pictures are free.

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To get back your fees on the sale (Final Value Fees) you...

I had the same problem yesterday, and refunded the buyer. But my ebay account still shows FV Fees and Shipping FV fees for the item. (A second chance offer was not responded to and expired) When do these fees "go away" or do I have to file a report or something...

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To get back your fees on the sale (Final Value Fees) you...

To get back your fees on the sale (Final Value Fees) you do have to formally end the transaction. Send your buyer a Mutual Cancellation request, but let him know that he doesn\t actually have to do anything.

If he accepts it, it ends immediately,

If he ignores it, it times out.

In both cases, your fees will be creditted, although you may not see them immediately.

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