not receving an item

hello. I have a big problem at the moment. help center wont work for me because I gave this to long of a wait to deal with, I bought several items from one person and got it all shipped to me but I wasn't home, I was on vaction, when I came back I asked If I could get it shipped back, the sender said okay, all I did was pay $20.00 and then he said he was shipping it the next day, all this happened in march however, I never got a package and i cant contact the seller, if i go to the reslolution centre i cant choose any of the numbers i put in. how in the world can i contact or do something to get out of this situation. im down $200.00 for this and i would really like to find a way to get out of this, i cant contact for help because the item is to old to deal with date wise when i purchased someone please help me

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Credit card chargeback is your best hope.   Did you know...

if you used a credit card,contact them,they may do a charge back.

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Credit card chargeback is your best hope.   Did you know...

Credit card chargeback is your best hope.


Did you know that when you go on vacation you can pay the PO to Hold your mail until your return? It cost $25 or $30 but is well worthwhile.


If the seller or you left any feedback, you can add a Response to it indefinitely. Like the most effective feedback, the most effective Responses are calm and factual.

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