words you cannot use

hi there. i've been away from e-bay for 5 years and was wondering if there are words you CANNOT use in your item's title ? i.e.- "cheap" or "steal", etc.    thanks.

Message 1 of 7
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Re: FVF on shipping & drop in fees ?

Well, brand names, if the item is not that brand.

Most of the words, and you know we have 80 keystrokes now, right? that are not used are not searched. L@@k !! for example.


Check how your listing looks on a mobile device. Apparently a very large number of buyers are impulsively making orders on cellphones and the like. You will be surprised at what does and does not show up.


Other stuff like the FVF on shipping will annoy you. But the drop in fees may make up for that.

Message 2 of 7
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Re: FVF on shipping & drop in fees ?

excuse my ignorance, but.........what is FVF on the shipping and drop in fees?

thanks again. pusher

Message 3 of 7
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Re: FVF on shipping & drop in fees ?

Years ago eBay calculated a selling fee,  a FVF= Final Value Fee on the item that was sold.


Many sellers would list an item with a low price for the item being sold and a very high shipping cost



such as $1.00 for the item, and $100 for shipping.


eBay then reduced the percentage FVF fee ... but now calculated the FVF on the total of the item plus shipping cost.....  For many this was a reduction in fees paid by a seller.





Message 4 of 7
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Re: FVF on shipping & drop in fees ?

When you do your title you want to use key words that are accurate and that people will use when searching. People don't generally using words like cheap, darling, pretty etc.

I know nothing about hockey cards but by using excellent in your title, I would get the impression that the card is in excellent condition yet you state good condition within the listing. That could cause some problems in the future. You do have more room in your titles to use more of the players names or for other info. I wouldn't use comma's, dashes etc as they aren't searchable and waste space.

Message 5 of 7
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Re: FVF on shipping & drop in fees ?

There are many things that change with each passing year.


It is not so much what you cannot say... it is the adjustment in what is allowed  and what are the acceptable selling practices.


Lots of reading.


(1) Acceptable forms of payment, differ among categories....  more important  what is NOT acceptable.


(2) eBay's list of restricted item... that which is not allowable on eBay.... must not be sold 


In part it is eBay's rule... However, in many instances  it is a rule that can differ among countries.....knowing what not to list and to which countries it may not be sold.


(3) VeRO ...  Verified Rights Ownership...  Too many fakes show up on eBay... again  know what NOT to sell... eBay has had to deal with q few critical court cases


(4) Canada Post shipping options have changed dramatically over the last 5 years...



(5) Keyword spamming... adding words to a listing in order to give a potential buyer a false search entry...


If it is Royal Albert dinnerware....  using the combination of Royal Doulton anywhere in the title or listing not acceptable.


(6) Detailed Seller ratings.....How buyers rate sellers,,, and how it will be changing shortly based on the Spring 2014 Update


we now get two updates each year....


(7) Feedback revisions,  and deletions...  Sellers cannot leave a negative feedback for a buyer


(8) Report a buyer.... 




and above all .....you will be treated like a totally new seller on eBay...  with respect to payments not released quickly by Paypal.... 


and other restrictions with respect what you can sell, and maybe even the number of listings  you can initially have on eBay..... effectively you will have to prove yourself as a good seller.


and perhaps more....

Message 6 of 7
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Re: FVF on shipping & drop in fees ?