wrong shipping address

Community Member
What about in the case that the eBay and PayPal address are the same? And it clearly states on both invoices the correct address but it is still shipped somewhere else. I've been fighting with sellers after contacting both PayPal and Ebay to confirm, and sending screenshots from both accounts that everything is right on my end. I haven't received any items I have ordered in over 6 months and nobody will give me a refund or re-ship the item. I'm constantly being asked for more money....who's fault is this?
Message 1 of 15
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Re: wrong shipping address

Six months?

At this point it's your fault-- or more precisely your misguided attempts to get a refund outside the systems in place for Disputes.


When your item did not arrive within 20 days (North America) to 30 days (Asia), you should have gone to the Resolution Centre at the bottom of this page and opened an Item Not Received Dispute.

If the seller cannot prove delivery (not shipping, delivery) he will be forced to refund.

But eBay has a very short deadline on this.


So you go next to Paypal, which has a 180 day deadline. You might be able to file here.

Their Resolution Centre is hidden under Tools at the top of the page.

You need to give them the transaction number.

Again if the seller cannot prove delivery (not shipping, delivery) he will be forced to refund.


If worse comes to worst and you back your PP account with a credit card you can go to the 1-800 number on the card and phone to ask about a chargeback.

Have all your transaction numbers, dates, payments, currency information handy to help the clerk.




Politely-- Captain Malcolm Reynolds

Message 2 of 15
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Re: wrong shipping address

Community Member
I've done both...and your missing the point. If PayPal and eBay shipping address is the same and correct....why do sellers keep sending to a different address?
Message 3 of 15
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Re: wrong shipping address

@lessa404 wrote:
I've done both...and your missing the point. If PayPal and eBay shipping address is the same and correct....why do sellers keep sending to a different address?

You're speaking of multiple sellers right? It makes absolutely no sense that they would all do the same thing for no reason so they must be seeing a different address. When you checkout, have you checked the address showing at the time is the right one? Is the address that they are sending your items to an old address of yours that paypal reverts back to without you realizing it?

Message 4 of 15
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Re: wrong shipping address

Community Member
I've called both PayPal and Ebay to confirm the right address. All invoices have the correct address.
Message 5 of 15
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Re: wrong shipping address

@lessa404 wrote:
I've done both...and your missing the point. If PayPal and eBay shipping address is the same and correct....why do sellers keep sending to a different address?

eBay has several addresses for a member. Normally they are all the same address, that is the registration address when you signed up to ebay.. However, then can be different if you changed it one time.  There is the registration address, payment and purchase address, the primary shipping address. If you sell then there are other selling addresses.


As mentioned, they should be all the same address if you never added or changed and address. Check them all to see what is in the various addresses.


PayPal also has additional ship to addresses. Check them too. If you never used additional addresses, then there should only be one.

Message 6 of 15
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Re: wrong shipping address

@lessa404 wrote:
I've called both PayPal and Ebay to confirm the right address. All invoices have the correct address.

You need to check for yourself. eBay customer service is not very good. I doubt they even know that additional addresses are possible on an eBay account.

Message 7 of 15
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Re: wrong shipping address

Community Member
I have checked....and on the buying page it says it's shipped to the correct address...but when I contact sellers to let them know their package hasn't arrived and "how would you like to proceed?" I get dicked around and told to wait til it's too late for ebay resolution and then I go thru PayPal for resolution. I'm polite with sellers until they tell me to pay for the items again so they can re-ship. Is this fair?
Message 8 of 15
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Re: wrong shipping address


Hello 'lessa', 

Something is really out of whack here, when you are not receiving any parcels.  

Have you checked your ebay account address?  This is by clicking on the My eBay at the top right of the page.

Then from about the middle left, choose the word Account.

From the left column under  My Account  choose  Addresses.

Then click  View all shipping addresses


There may be several, but does each of them look exactly the way the address looks on your utility bills?

(You're getting those okay, right?)   If ever you make any changes, be sure to click  Save.


Sorry if I sound like I am overstating the obvious, but this is always the first place to check if there may be an address 

problem and it is surprising how often people miss a teeny little thing.

If that is okay do the same thing when carefully scrutinizing your address in your Paypal account and comparing it to 

the utility bills that won't go away.  



The only other things I can think of would be, -- do you live with anyone?  Might a member of your household placed 

a package on top of the fridge or some place and forgot to mention it?  If you live in an apartment does the building 

box have your name on it where the postee can see it?  Do you live in a house where passers-by might nick a parcel 

off your step?  With that many not arriving, all this seems unlikely.  


Have you ordered all your items from China?  Those take a lot longer than that 30 days.  They often travel by boat and 

the fastest boat on the planet will not have your items arriving in less than 6 weeks.  Paypal gives you 180 days in which

to file a claim so there is no acceptable reason for not waiting for overseas items to arrive.  They almost always do.

However, because some folks are too quick to get a refund a few weeks before the item shows up, to compensate for 

this thievery too many Asian sellers do not send items at all to users with low feedback scores because newbies generally 

do not know how to get compensated and as you know, they will wait until it is too late to do anything.

That is the only other thing I can think of.  


Check your addresses, check with your neighbours and anyone else who might know about your items.  

And always choose your sellers carefully.  Dodgy sellers will have a lot of feedback complaints about items that have 

not arrived, -- what about your sellers?  Any problems or do they all sound really good?  And of course, once you have had a

problem with a seller, if you must re-buy the item, buy from a different seller.  


Some links you may want to have a look at, as I am not sure how familiar you are with ebay's and paypal's protection

policies.  This paypal link (Section 13.5) tells you about the 180 days, and there is a link to the Resolution Center if you

need it:



And this is the standard ebay page for what to do when there is a problem:





Message 9 of 15
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Re: wrong shipping address

ebay does not confirm with Canada Post that the info you input is correct. Check on the Canada Post site to make sure that the postal code that you have on your PayPal address is correct. Also, make sure that your correct PayPal address is marked as your primary shipping address. Everything is so automated these days that mail goes to the postal code and I'm not sure if anyone even looks at the street address. If you are still not receiving your mail, than you should contact Canada Post and let them know and they will investigate in case it is being stolen.

Message 10 of 15
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Re: wrong shipping address

Community Member
Did everything you said and still no luck...I have no negative feedback against myself at this time. And as stated previously I am nice until ordered to send more money. After the last 3 items didn't show up 6 months I took a break from eBay. With my last 4 purchases in the past couple weeks I sent a polite email explaining the situation and asking if the seller would mind confirming the address they are shipping to....all come back with same address just a different province. I politely inform them the correct address with a screen shot of the invoice and will let them know if and when the package arrives by estimated delivery and we can proceed from there. Several items are late and I've gone to conflict resolution after politely informing them of this fact.
Message 11 of 15
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Re: wrong shipping address


<<I have no negative feedback against myself at this time. >>


You wouldn't, not as a buyer.  Sellers cannot leave negatives for buyers.  But that is no reason not to always be kind 

and polite anyway,  . . .  even when they want more money to send the item.  That's when it is time to get your refund 

and move on. 


<<  I sent a polite email . . .asking if the seller would mind confirming the address . . .....all come back with same address

just a different province. >>


Different province?  When you go to your ebay and paypal accounts to change your addresses, carefully checking every

keystroke and character, - are you sure you are clicking Save?







Message 12 of 15
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Re: wrong shipping address

Community Member
Yes I am I have screenshotted PayPal and eBay to each of the sellers to confirm. And in terms of being rude....I ask politely for a refund and if I am refused I tell them I will be contacting eBay since they refuse to help and I give negative feedback. Only once have I sworn to a seller...because I was told to eff off for requesting a refund and basically told I was a liar.
Message 13 of 15
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Re: wrong shipping address

There was a time when you where getting packages right?


Then 6 months ago they started going to another address?


I have only a few questions.


Did you move between the purchases?


If not was your paypal or ebay account ever hacked into? 


Did you change all your passwords?


Last but not least.  Is the address on your credit card (bank address) up to date and matching your current address?


Where where these sellers located.  If you buy alot of stuff from china you would be surprised how many times items do not arrive?


And are you ordering or importing items Canada does not allow into the country.  I know that it can take months for CBA to send a notice that a package has been taken at customs.  I know as I have tried to save on my prescriptions but I cannot import my meds.

Message 14 of 15
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Re: wrong shipping address

Community Member
Lived at the same place for 6 years. Nothing been hacked...same password for about a year. Bank info up to date and hasn't needed to be changed in 6yrs except for cell number 4 years ago. Shipping from China....I mostly purchase costume jewelry and replacement charger cords/plugs for phones/tablets. Last year I ordered 2 android quad core dongles for my tvs. No problem with shipping til october/November 2015.
Message 15 of 15
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