multiple item same order resolution claims

Community Member

HELP Ebay....for the most part I love using Ebay and have for more than 12 years..However I have on "beef"...If I place an order with many items and I have to open a request in the resolution center I have to manually open a request for each item. Why cant my request be lumped together as ONE request for all the items to the same seller?


For example, I order 15 different items from a seller in China, after 45 days the items do not come..I then have to open 15 individual claims...and each time the seller has to respond to all 15... then I replay to ALL 15...etc...Of course I do a lot of copy and paste, but to me, it would make sense to be able to open ONE dispute which covers all the items.


Has anyone else had this concern (or suggestion).



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Re: multiple item same order resolution claims

Yes, I've had to do that as well.  Just a little monotonous, but doable and something that doesn't happens once and then probably never again.

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Re: multiple item same order resolution claims

It only makes sense that you open Item Not Received case (INR) for each item in the order. Here are some of the the reasons:


1. Ebay can't assume that all items shipped together. Some sellers have different items in different locations and ship from those directly to you.


2. It would not to be your advantage if you could not open INRs for each item instead of each whole order. What if you ordered 15 items and determined you only got 10 when the parcel was opened? You couldn't claim not to have received them all. You would have to be able to isolate which ones you received and which ones you didn't.


3. If you needed to return 10 of 20 items in an order, you have to be able to select which ones are going back and which ones are not. 


It may be monotonous but it's the only way to make it work. 

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Re: multiple item same order resolution claims

Not applicable

That is how eBay works, have to do individually not lumped together.

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