I'm looking for a USB 3.0 hub. I sort search results by "Price + Shipping: lowest first"...

Community Member

I'm looking for a USB 3.0 hub. I sort search results by "Price + Shipping: lowest first."


First result is


   New 7 Port High Speed USB 3.0 2.0 Hub Expansion + Power Adapter for Notebook PC


and it's only $1.29 with free shipping!   Cool!


Open up the listing and I'm offered a drop-down menu to Select   Types . I'm offered a USB 1.1 hub for $1.29 (which I don't want) or a USB 3.0 which, when I select it, the price jumps to $15.09.


15.09 is not 1.29.   This is very deceptive as the item I want is much more expensive than advertised.  In fact the item I want is not advertised.


I think this is an awful and deceitful practice that wastes my time by making me look at items from sellers that i don't want.


It is happening more and more often.  Why does eBay allow this?


Is there a way to block so I see true pricing for the items I'm searching for?


Sign me "Really Annoyed"

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