Ebay.ca support

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I placed a 72 dollar purchase on ebay.ca I did not receive the item at all for 4 months I made a complaint to ebay canada they did not respond nor did the seller ebay does not protect buyers be ware

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Answers (4)

You waited 4 months before deciding to request assistance? IF you paid using a credit card or via PayPal you still have time to launch action there, but otherwise it may be too late to expect any help in getting refunded for an item not received...


Why did you wait 4 months before doing anything?


Why did you not open an "Item Not Recived" request?


Where was the item being shipped from?




4 min article

Get help with an item that hasn't arrived

If the estimated delivery date for your order has passed and your item hasn't arrived, you can let the seller know by reporting that you didn't receive it.

First check the delivery information, and if the expected delivery date has passed, let the seller know that it hasn't arrived. If the seller doesn't respond or if they can't resolve the problem, you may be eligible for eBay Money Back Guarantee.


Check your item's delivery information

Your item may still be in transit. Find the item in your Purchases to see the expected delivery date, the address it's being shipped to, and the latest tracking updates.

Check delivery information

What to do if you provided an incorrect shipping address


Report that your item hasn't arrived

You have up to 30 calendar days after the estimated delivery date has passed to report that an item hasn't arrived.

The seller should respond within 3 business days to provide a delivery update, offer a replacement, or give you a refund. If you're getting a refund, it will go back to your original payment method. Refunds are typically available within 3-5 business days.

Report an item you didn't receive

How to report an item that hasn't arrived through My eBay

What to do if you've only received some of the items you've purchased


Ask eBay to step in and help

If the seller hasn't responded, or hasn't provided a resolution after 3 business days, you can ask us to step in. You have up to 21 business days from when you opened the original request.

Learn more about asking eBay to step in and help.

EBay has a Money Back Guarantee.

If you do not receive the purchase within the window for delivery which eBay gives you, then you have another 30 days to make a Claim and be refunded.

You can access the Claim from your original invoice My eBay->Purchase History.


If you miss the deadline, and apparently you did, you would be covered by Paypal if you used that service . (A good idea for buying anywhere online.)

PP allows up to 180 days from Payment for a Claim.

Again the reason is Not Received.

If you did not use PP, or if your PP Claim failed, you can try a chargeback on the credit card you really paid with.

Most cards allow 180 days for chargebacks, but policies differ.


If you used a gift card or a debit card you will never see the money again. Never use either online.

After looking over the OP's profile and FB...


I suspect this was a Sports Card of some kind and could have been shipped from the USA to Canada using the letter instead of a tracked package.


FB left by the OP for other purchases seems to point in that direction.


So, if the Seller sent a $72.00 card via letter mail and it got stopped at the US customs it may have been returned to the Seller. And of course, there is no proof as there is no tracking...


Maybe the OP can do a chargeback, but there is nothing they can do on eBay as they waited over 4 months.