Create Listing page not found?!

Is anyone else having trouble listing? I go to My eBay, click the Create Listing button, select Single Listing, and then I get:


We looked everywhere.
Looks like this page is missing. If you still need help, visit our help pages.


Selecting "Multiple Listing" instead works until I actually try to publish the listing, then it just sits with the circle spinning forever. All I can do tonight is use the Multiple Listing function to make a bunch of drafts that hopefully I can publish tomorrow.

Anyone else having this problem?



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Create Listing page not found?!

Have you tried clicking on a current or ended listing and then on 'sell similar'?  That is generally how I start a new listing.

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Create Listing page not found?!

Got my solution from a seller who messaged me directly, so I'm posting it here just in case others need it:


Some pages were flakey a few days ago. Thought it was all fixed. A back up is try a different browser or the link below should get to the create a listing page. Hope one of those ideas works for you.


Using that link worked perfectly for me. Sad that eBay's website seems to be falling apart so often.

Keep selling!


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