Does ebay require payment immediately on BIN on auctions?

I've had at least three buyers so far say that they're being forced to pay immediately when they try to use BIN on auctions, even though I have "payment not due immediately" set up for all of my listings, both fixed-price and auctions.


Is it supposed to be like that?

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Re: Does ebay require payment immediately on BIN on auctions?

tyler@ebayTagging you so that you see this on Monday.


To clarify, when someone wins one of my auctions or they accept an offer I made them, they are not forced to pay immediately and can request an invoice with revised shipping from me. However, I have had multiple buyers tell me that there is no option for them when using the BIN option on my auctions/fixed-price listings to buy without paying immediately... it forces them to pay right away, so I'm not able to send a revised invoice for the order from my "awaiting payment" dashboard. This means they pay way too much in shipping, and I'm out the ebay fees from my own pocket, because I have to send a partial refund in order to fix the shipping and those fees aren't credited back to me.


I have "payment not required immediately" set up in my payment business policy that I use for ALL of my listings, so that is not the issue. I have also deselected the option in seller settings that forces the buyer to choose a payment method before making an offer on my listings, so that is also not the issue. I also have the "allow combined shipping" option selected in my seller settings, so that is also not the issue.



Message 2 of 12
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Re: Does ebay require payment immediately on BIN on auctions?

It is working as eBay has set it up as they do require immediate payment on some fixed price listings.  It is supposedly on all fixed price listings under a certain amount but some sellers have said that their listings do not have the eBay required ipr.   Have your buyers tried to add their items to the cart and then clicked on the request total link? I don't think that option is available on the app and it doesn't always work on the pc but when it does work, it allows you send an invoice.


You could also set up your listings with combined shipping so that when a buyer puts more than 1 item in the cart, the shipping will automatically combine. I'm not sure if you do it differently when you use business policies but I set it up on the shipping preferences page.


Message 3 of 12
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Re: Does ebay require payment immediately on BIN on auctions?

I can't set up auto-combined shipping unfortunately because I have different shipping tiers for amounts of cards purchased (1-4 cards is $___, 5-20 cards is $___, so on and so forth). If I set up a specific increment in my shipping business policy for each additional card added, people will be paying way too much in shipping and it will thwart a lot of buyers


Yeah many of them are buying on the app and don't see that option (or at least tell me they don't). Would be great if there was some kind of documentation or something somewhere on ebay I could read that explains what the limitations to "payment not required immediately" are for BIN listings, because there are none shown when I selected that option in my business policies and its confusing buyers (and me!).


@pjcdn2005Where did you read/find out that immediate payment is required on all fixed price listings under a certain amount? Is there a link or something you could pass along by chance so that I can read up on it?



Message 4 of 12
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Re: Does ebay require payment immediately on BIN on auctions?

Theere is a lot of  chatter on dotCOM Boards favouring "forcing" buyers to pay immediately-- even forcing them to upload a credit card before they can bid or buy.

Americans are.... an angry angry nation.

Message 5 of 12
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Re: Does ebay require payment immediately on BIN on auctions?

Just took a quick peek at the dot com boards. To be honest, I never really checked them out much before, but dang some of those threads go from 0-100 real quick (drake pun not intended).

Message 6 of 12
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Re: Does ebay require payment immediately on BIN on auctions?

I know this one all too well! I ran into this about a month or so ago after having a frustrated/angry buyer leaving me many (about 11?) rude messages about it! I think the original post was around  end of January (sorry I don't know how to copy it over) titled something like "New option in seller preferences/blocked buyers".

eBay made a change around that time that was automatically clicked/checked unless we uncheck it.

If you go to Selling Preferences, then Blocked Buyers edit at the bottom of the page the newbie is there worded something like "Buyer Payment Requirements - require buyers to provide payment method before making an offer". You should see a check mark there (automatically defaulted to be checked yes) and uncheck it. I had been asking at that time and got my answer from here back then.

There were a few changes at that time and to date I still can't go to "Communication with Buyers", I think they moved parts from that section to other sections.

Message 7 of 12
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Re: Does ebay require payment immediately on BIN on auctions?

@reallynicestamps wrote:

Theere is a lot of  chatter on dotCOM Boards favouring "forcing" buyers to pay immediately-- even forcing them to upload a credit card before they can bid or buy.

Americans are.... an angry angry nation.

That is related to Best Offers ONLY, you are just tossing in confusion by additing to this thread which has NOTHING to do with Best Offer.



"What else could I do? I had no trade so I became a peddler" - Lazarus Greenberg 1915
- answering Trolls is voluntary, my policy is not to participate.
Message 8 of 12
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Re: Does ebay require payment immediately on BIN on auctions?

The forced IPR is not documented anywhere, it is randomly applied based on factors eBay won't reveal.


Originally announced about 10 years ago it was then described as applying to transactions under $1000 when PayPal was an offered payment method. It was never applied universally and has remained something that applies in some cases but not in others. A couple of years after it was introduced all traces in the help files were removed and even the original announcement was scrubbed (but the policy is still applied to some listings).


FYI - There is no Request Total option available via the App, it's only a desktop thing and in the cases where forced IPR is in effect the Request Total is greyed out even on the desktop.



"What else could I do? I had no trade so I became a peddler" - Lazarus Greenberg 1915
- answering Trolls is voluntary, my policy is not to participate.
Message 9 of 12
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Re: Does ebay require payment immediately on BIN on auctions?

That is just for offers and as you said is a recent change. I've read that at this point, it only applies to some buyers.  

Message 10 of 12
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Re: Does ebay require payment immediately on BIN on auctions?

As recped said, the forced ipr was announced years ago and they said that it would  eventually rolled out all BIN listings under a certain amount. But it does seem to be more random than that.  

Message 11 of 12
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Re: Does ebay require payment immediately on BIN on auctions?

Many of the dotCOM sellers are urging eBay to apply this policy to ALL sales.

I think it is a stupid idea-- even for BIN and Best Offer transactions.

Overkill for what is really not a widespread problem.

Message 12 of 12
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