Does my PayPal currency balance float with the exchange rate?

I checked my balance this morning for a possible transfer of funds to the bank and it was sitting at $301.  Now this afternoon as I am set to do the transfer the balance was at $298. I just thought that the money was there and could not be touched.

Thanks for you thoughts.

Message 1 of 12
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Does my PayPal currency balance float with the exchange rate?

I just thought that the money was there and could not be touched.


Paypal is an American company and holds all funds in US dollars.

So yes your Canadian dollar balance may change from time to time.

BTW, it may also change between the time you make the transfer and the time it gets to your (Canadian ) bank.


If what has changed is the US dollar balance, take a look at your account, there may have been some fees levied.

Message 2 of 12
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Does my PayPal currency balance float with the exchange rate?

If you are viewing it in Cdn funds, it can fluctuate as they hold it in US. I am unaware of PP holding CDN funds.


My money is in US funds, so, it is what it is. Changing it to CDN will fluctuate any time the rate does. I have had the exchange rate change during the day while doing PP shipping.

Message 3 of 12
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Does my PayPal currency balance float with the exchange rate?

I was stamp sniped.
Message 4 of 12
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Does my PayPal currency balance float with the exchange rate?

" I am unaware of PP holding CDN funds."


Actually they do.... if you ask for it.


Typically, sellers selling in US$ will maintain a US$ balance while sellers selling in Cdn$ will maintain a Cdn$ balance.


Sellers can maintain balances in both US$ and Cdn$ if they wish (I do) in addition to other currencies (£. €, etc...)


If holding more than one balance, the user must select which currency will be "primary".


The total PayPal balance will be shown in the "primary" currency.


When using a currency other than Cdn$ the converted amount (from US$ to Cdn$) will fluctuate during the day in line with the market.

Message 5 of 12
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Does my PayPal currency balance float with the exchange rate?

Paypal holds currency in whatever currency you leave in it (I have US$, CAN$, GPB and Euro in it now).  A CAN$ balance will always be exactly the same.  OP must have a US$ balance, which will always be the same amount in US$.  The CAN$ value of the U$ balance will change with the exchange rate, the same as the CAN$ value of a US$ balance held anywhere else (or in cash)  

Message 6 of 12
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Does my PayPal currency balance float with the exchange rate?

To add on to toby and pierre's posts here is an example -


My primary currency is U.S. $ but i also accept Canadian dollars because I have different items listed in both currencies.


If today I had $150 C and $200 U.S. the total in my account might show $321.50 U.S.

($150 C x .81 = $121.50 U.S.)


If the exchange rate tomorrow is .79 then my total would be $318.50

($150C x .79 = $118.50)


If I decide to then deposit all of my $C into the bank, I would be depositing $150C because the U.S.

$ has nothing to do with it at that point.


(I think I explained that correctly)



Message 7 of 12
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Does my PayPal currency balance float with the exchange rate?

toby and Pierre,


Other than being able to purchase items on another site in another currency, is there any advantage to accepting other currencies other than U.S. and Cdn?  I believe the buyer would not have to pay the 2.5% currency exchange rate but they wouldn't know that until they paid...or would they?

Message 8 of 12
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Does my PayPal currency balance float with the exchange rate?

PJC I like to charge in the "local" currency. Since I list on other sites overseas they're in Euros or pounds. I don't get a lot, but they are useful when I buy something overseas as I don't lose the extra conversion.
Message 9 of 12
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Does my PayPal currency balance float with the exchange rate?

@pjcdn2005 wrote:

toby and Pierre,


Other than being able to purchase items on another site in another currency, is there any advantage to accepting other currencies other than U.S. and Cdn?  I believe the buyer would not have to pay the 2.5% currency exchange rate but they wouldn't know that until they paid...or would they?

I've done a few "side deals" where I've agreed with a buyer to pay in their currency mostly because they made an offer in either Pounds or Euros. Also a few Canadian buyers who I've let pay in CAD (equivalent) even though my listings are all in US Dollars. I use a bit of the CAD for buying postage so it's always useful to have. My balances in other currencies are tiny, I just let them sit there.


As for the buyers knowing they can avoid the 2.5%, I suspect a couple of Germans were well aware of it and that's why they made offers in Euros.



"What else could I do? I had no trade so I became a peddler" - Lazarus Greenberg 1915
- answering Trolls is voluntary, my policy is not to participate.
Message 10 of 12
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Does my PayPal currency balance float with the exchange rate?

As much as I can, I try to offer the buyer the ability to pay in his/her own currency, keeping the price as low as possible from a buyer's perspective since I have many dealings  (not on eBay) from the UK and Europe..

Message 11 of 12
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Does my PayPal currency balance float with the exchange rate?

I used to get a lot when I listed on the overseas sites all the time.  Don't do that anymore but some of the repeat buyers "buy direct".  Its the same thing to me to take GBP etc and convert to CAN$ as it would be US$.  It seems to be important to some of them to not convert, and they are saving me money by just sending the money so I'll take whatever they want to send.  I've occasionally bought from Europe on ebay or otherwise so keep a bit in paypal to avoid conversions.  Its not a big advantage (unless the CAN$ is dropping vs them)

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