Feedback Nags

I dun get it. Why do winners do not bother to provide the common courtesy of leaving feedback after getting a great deal?  Even on the feedback page, you can literally send one feedback to all other buyers or sellers or both without the tedious effort of inputting for each one on the Accounts tab.


I got 22 waiting  sinct the start of February.  I have go nag and nag and nag.  its my pet peeve.  


Anyone have the same problem?

Message 1 of 30
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Re: Feedback Nags

IMO asking (especially more than one time) for feedback greatly increases the chances of receiving feedback other than what one wants.


I never ask for it after the fact for that reason.


It really means much less now that eBay doesn't hold it against us, I cannot imagine there is a high % of buyers that check sellers feedback given the seemingly low % that even bother to read the listing descriptions...


(Sometimes I see what buyers have been leaving and there is a decent % group that have never left feedback)

Message 2 of 30
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Re: Feedback Nags

Leaving feedback for a transaction is not mandatory.


Nagging a buyer to leave feedback may result in a feedback... a feedback you will really love..

...............................A Negative.....


Just leave it be and you will win...


As a seller I leave feedback  for buyers that have left me feedback.... Saves me a headache if I leave feedback before a buyer,  especially if that buyer is unhappy with me...  and just might leave a neutral or negative.



Message 3 of 30
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Re: Feedback Nags

It's voluntary. Myself i give feedback after i receive it.

Message 4 of 30
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Re: Feedback Nags

I leave feedback for 100 per cent of buyers, and receive maybe 20 per cent in return. It has dropped over time.
Message 5 of 30
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Re: Feedback Nags


I dun get it. Why do winners do not bother to provide the common courtesy of leaving feedback after getting a great deal?  Even on the feedback page, you can literally send one feedback to all other buyers or sellers or both without the tedious effort of inputting for each one on the Accounts tab.


I got 22 waiting  sinct the start of February.  I have go nag and nag and nag.  its my pet peeve.  


Anyone have the same problem?

Where is it common courtesy? Do fill out those little cards at fast food restaurants? Do you fill out the online surveys that are on grocery receipts? When you buy from other online retailers who send follow up emails do you respond to them?


Are you here to sell stuff for money or are you here to collect brownie points?


You have left 87 feedback for your buyers, you have received 62, that`s 71% which most sellers would consider to be quite a high ratio.


One day that nag nag nag is going to result in a neg neg neg!



"What else could I do? I had no trade so I became a peddler" - Lazarus Greenberg 1915
- answering Trolls is voluntary, my policy is not to participate.
Message 6 of 30
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Re: Feedback Nags

But to give a seller grief because the <insert item here> arrived 2 days late according to the delivery laws of the land. Seller had no control of that situation and you really didn't need <insert item here> that quickly in most cases. And if you did why did you ask for the slowest cheapest service available?



Message 7 of 30
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Re: Feedback Nags

Are there any actual penalties to the sellers that have lots of negative and neutral feedback? Have spotted a few offshore sellers with a load of them and they seem to still be in business.



Message 8 of 30
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Re: Feedback Nags

“Are there any actual penalties to the sellers that have lots of negative and neutral feedback?”

Nope. Not negatives nor neutrals not low Detailed Seller Ratings.

Only cases closed without resolutions and cancelled orders (due to being out of stock or item unavailable) cause defects. Even Late Shipment marks don’t mean much unless you have a ton of them.
Message 9 of 30
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Re: Feedback Nags

*I should say Cases Closed Without SELLER Resolution count as a defect.
Message 10 of 30
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Re: Feedback Nags

Have spotted a few offshore sellers with a load of them and they seem to still be in business.


Some of it comes down to ratios.

A seller with 95 positive and 5 negative FB is an awful seller.

A seller with 950,000 positive and 500 negative FB is excellent.

Because stuff can go wrong, because some members don't know how to launch a Dispute , and some people are just like the pet of the Young Girl from Madras.

Message 11 of 30
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Re: Feedback Nags

need to check your math, you have left just over 3,000, and received just over 1,900.. that would not be less thank 20% feedback received, unless i am missing something.??

Message 12 of 30
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Re: Feedback Nags

Nope, not my math. That feedback left and received is from buying exclusively for the first six years. The next six is from selling.
Message 13 of 30
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Re: Feedback Nags

Years ago, eBay transactions were much more personal, however now it is not much different then ordering from any other web store.   It only takes a few clicks and you don't even need to message each other.  

If you purchase a lot of items, the novelty of feedback/reviews wears off quickly and it just becomes extra work.

Message 14 of 30
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Re: Feedback Nags

 I leave Feedback for Customers. It is a way to thank them for their patronage and to let them know I appreciate their business.  If I get it it's appreciated but not a big deal if I do not


What I strive for is  Repeat Customers and I have a number of them.  Some have been with me since I first started on ebay in 2000


That is Feed Back too  It shows they like what I am offering and that they  like and feel comfortable dealing with me


I also have a offline business. A number of people who have dealt with me online over the years have also found me offline at the shows and markets I do  and have become very good customers there




Message 15 of 30
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Re: Feedback Nags

I leave feedback for 100 per cent of buyers, and receive maybe 20 per cent in return. It has dropped over time.

I also leave feedback for every one of my buyers .... as soon as I receive payment, I send a message of thanks and leave feedback.  I think my feedback from buyers is around 30%, but I do get a lot of nice notes from buyers thanking me for a positive transaction.  To me, that's feedback enough.  


These days, I think that buyers who are less than satisfied are more inclined to leave feedback.

Message 16 of 30
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Re: Feedback Nags

Actually like comment on nagin's rather overdone. I wait for at least a month. Then another month after that I just give up.
Message 17 of 30
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Re: Feedback Nags

I find it ironic that the bidding member has the time to do the search, bid and win your items yet don't have to time to leave feedback.
Message 18 of 30
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Re: Feedback Nags

I find it ironic that the bidding member has the time to do the search, bid and win your items yet don't have to time to leave feedback.

Well, chances are he's at least a moderately satisfied buyer, if not completely happy, and has gone on to the next purchase.  There is so much to distract buyers online these days that I think it's the rare one who remembers to come back and leave eBay feedback.  With so many online purchasing options, eBay is no longer a unique experience for buyers, and eBay's FB no longer a novel concept. 


In fact, I wouldn't be surprised to see eBay dump FB completely, in favour of "product reviews" that are shown up front with listings.  These don't particularly serve individual sellers, but they're far most visible to buyers. 


Honestly, FB is virtually meaningless these days, be glad you actually have a sale to complain about.  

Message 19 of 30
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Re: Feedback Nags

Those 'reviews' worry me.

Pedantically, because I've noticed some posters referring to feedback as reviews. Perhaps they are getting the name from some other site, but I worry that they are confusing a review of a product with feedback on a transaction/seller.

And I have seen one or two US sellers complaining that their listings for a mass merchandise product has been dogged with a product review that is actually a complaint about a transaction with an entirely different seller.


If that continues, then it will be necessary for eBay to allow sellers to delete product reviews that do not apply to a particular seller.

And who polices those? Should a seller be allowed to delete poor reviews of her product, ad lib? How can eBay police which are product reviews and which are seller /transaction reviews?

Am I over-thinking this?

Message 20 of 30
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