Is there even a point anymore?

I've been on Ebay for approximately 10 years. About 5 years ago I started selling clothing on Was doing well, selling 2 or 3 a day for a while. I maxed out my basic store limit and decided since I was doing well to upgrade to the next tier. Almost immediately I saw a drop in sales. Going to almost 0 sales for days at a time. After a month of this I started to tweak listings to try and improve to increase the sales to what it once was with no resolve. Soon after, I lost my Top Rated status due to not adding Tracked shipping to all my US sales. After almost a year of paying for an upgraded store and losing so many sales due to the cost of Canadian shipping and the loss of my Top Rated status. I decided to downgrade and get rid of the store subscription. Since then I've been listing a few here and there since they are free but right now I'm so discouraged that I think I may quit E-bay altogether.


Now with the whole managed payments system they are forcing people to get. I just don't understand E-bays thought process? Doesn't E-bay realize that for most of us who charge for shipping in Canada use Shippo (Which E-bay promoted) which uses Paypal. So now I have to use Paypal and managed payments? How is this more simple for sellers? I turned a blind eye back when they decided to charge FVF's on shipping to encourage going to Free Shipping. There is no such thing as "Free Shipping" and to charge on something that a seller cannot control is ridiculous.


Sorry for going on a whole tangent about this but as I said. I am very discouraged and it feels like E-bay has no respect for there sellers. Canadian E-bay sellers are at a massive disadvantage when it comes to FVF's and Canadian Shipping.

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Re: Is there even a point anymore?

Not applicable
I just pulled all my listings on two accounts .. this is the worst I've ever seen it. I just bought a movie for myself and the seller removed all his listings today as well. Ebays still insists that Canada pist packages will arrive in two to 12 days across canada. Sounds like the pizza place that said 30mins our it's free to me. I'm close to bankrupt as it is I'm going sit tight and redo my inventory and see what comes of it in a month .. I may not come back if I do it wont be a store. I'm sure this will get archived or deleted real quick as well. Good luck with your choices.
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Re: Is there even a point anymore?

EBay was forced to sell Paypal due to the same Wall Street shenanigans as the recent GameStop foofawraw.

They had a five year contract which is now up, and are moving to a new in-house system, run for them by Ayden, a Netherlands company.

There is no reason to think buyers will even be aware of the change, since buyers can still use PP to buy. In fact their payment methods have increased since buyers can also use ApplePay and GooglePay as well as credit cards.


I also don't see any significant differences in the seller's cost for using MP. 


I'm an outlier on shipping, because most of my items are shipped without tracking (and using Free Shipping DON'T PANIC which just means my shipping costs are part of my asking price).


I also prefer PP for shipping since it coordinates payment and printing labels. However, normally I am using discount mint postage stamps and completing my shipping at the post office.


I have had nothing but problems with Shippo, although I have used them successfully three times over the past few years. Two were incredibly difficult to complete (I believe I have about  five Shippo accounts because I needed to open a new one every time I tried to use the system). They were good when I had to send a Return Shipping Label to a US customer. Shippo is the only way that I know of that we can buy USPS shipping labels.

Perhaps it would be useful to post a question for those already in MP about how the interface with Shippo works?


My basic objection to MP is that we are only allowed to attach one bank account and it must be a Canadian dollar bank account. I have an American bank account and prefer to put my USD payment directly into that.  This would not be possible with MP.



I decided to downgrade and get rid of the store subscription. Since then I've been listing a few here and there since they are free but right now I'm so discouraged that I think I may quit E-bay altogether.

You currently can list up to 200 Free Listings without a Store.

There are occasional Free Listing promotions, some of them stupid huge, but most of those seem to be aimed at Store sellers who are paying monthly subscriptions.


Clothing is a difficult category. I assume you are aware of what does and doesn't sell for you. And of course most clothing is bulky enough to need Calculated Shipping rates. For those items that don't (under 500gr under 2cm thick) you could try using Flat Rate shipping and listing on dotCOM in USD.  This will give you another 200 Free Listings (for a total of 400).
It won't reduce the cost of shipping, but it is something to consider.



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Re: Is there even a point anymore?

BTW - I notice the cost of shipping to the USA for at least one pair of jeans is lower than the cost of shipping them to me in BC. Interesting. (Not a complaint, just interesting.)
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Re: Is there even a point anymore?

100% agreed - I was away from ebay for about 7-8 years until recently.   


I returned to sell a few items and I can't believe the outrages fees, they never used to be THIS bad and  now a fee ON SHIPPING!!  Unreal.  Once I'm done selling these few items I have, I'll be closing my ebay account for good.   

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Re: Is there even a point anymore?

@femmefan1946 wrote:
BTW - I notice the cost of shipping to the USA for at least one pair of jeans is lower than the cost of shipping them to me in BC. Interesting. (Not a complaint, just interesting.)

 The one observation I was able to make if you make a purchase from a seller enrolled in MP when you check your PayPal transactions you can only find that transaction by date or amount. If you open the details it just says eBay. No item specifics. Makes it a bit more difficult if you purchase all the time on eBay.



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