Promotion Extended

So I just received an e-mail saying that eBay is extending their free listing promotion.  "Canadian sellers will not pay insertion fees on their first 100,000 listings up until March 29, 2022".  I am glad as I didn't want to have to upgrade my store from a Basic to Premium. This year has been one of the worst in sales for me. Only about 25 sales in the last 4 months. It has never been so bad in all my 20 years of selling.

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Re: Promotion Extended

Good News!

Not that I can use the extra listings, but it takes pressure off many sellers who have been taking advantage of the flexibility of having thousands of freebies available.


I wonder if this has anything to do with auctionbytes' report about eBay's inflated sales numbers?

Message 2 of 6
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Re: Promotion Extended

@clemowbooks wrote:



I wonder if this has anything to do with auctionbytes' report about eBay's inflated sales numbers?

Auctionbytes reached a new high with their latest FAKE NEWS report on eBay!


They make it sound like some big scoop of info that eBay was desperately trying to hide.......


BUT it's NOT!

eBay has always reported GMV in the same way and on every financial statement there has been a sub-note of the following:




Also no mention that this is the common way of reporting for most Marketplace sites such as Etsy and Amazon.


They also fail to point out that the true importance of the GMV number is the rate of increase or decrease, the raw number itself is not much of an indicator of anything and certainly not something that (smart) investors really care about.


Of course all the lemmings who post on Ina's site think this is some sort of revelation that exposes illegal activity by eBay when the truth is that eBay's financial reporting is more transparent than most of the rest of the ecommerce/tech industry.


"What else could I do? I had no trade so I became a peddler" - Lazarus Greenberg 1915
- answering Trolls is voluntary, my policy is not to participate.
Message 3 of 6
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Re: Promotion Extended

Yes. Ina is useful for general news, but the comments are never helpful in any way. 

Message 4 of 6
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Re: Promotion Extended


There are very few who would put 100,000 listings, a few who would put 20,000 or so, and even less who would put 10,000 or more... for the rest, the 99% are just happy to get something FREE it's like Pixie Dust for the masses. It's all a calculated numbers game, they know no one person will ever put 100,000.


Is there even a store on eBay with anything near 100,000 listings?


"This year has been one of the worst in sales for me. Only about 25 sales in the last 4 months. It has never been so bad in all my 20 years of selling."


You are correct the market is completely off this year, and what comes next with COVID?

Message 5 of 6
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Re: Promotion Extended

I think some of the biggest booksellers may approach 100,000 titles. More likely on dotCOM than here on dotCA.


I'm not sure what eBay is trying to game with this. They could just go to a greater number of Free Listings and forget the "promotional" part of it.

I keep my Store subscriptions, not for the "free" listings which really aren't when we are making a monthly payment, but for the  shipping supplies coupons and the slightly lower FVF.

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