Thank you eBay!!!!

I would like to thank the folks at eBay for sending me yet again another email informing me my performance is below least according to them and their totally useless, asinine, dysfunctional, worthless, inane, pathetic, irrelevant and quite frankly insulting DSR system.   I would think they have better things to do with their actually fixing the DSR system so it isn't such a piece of ....(fill in the blank)

Message 1 of 12
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Re: Thank you eBay!!!!

Perhaps things like this reply to a person who had an item broken when he received it would have something to do with your sanction.



You can't understand normal thinking!!!




Obviously you think the buyer is less intelligent than you when the opposite is quite lilely.









Message 2 of 12
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Re: Thank you eBay!!!!

ya that how things work when you sell little amount ... Me i can handle a few not so great DSR's because I get a lot of good ones but you 1 bad DSR or feedback it will change everything for you ....


not sure what your neg is about .. I know some buyers are nuts and a little out of whack or you get the buyers who think they deserve the world because you made a whole $1-$2 from there purchase but just looking at it is seems you were hard to deal with ...


If the item was broke in transit you refund your buyer and get Canada post to refund you ...

you don't tell your buyer there wrong and not logical ..

Message 3 of 12
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Re: Thank you eBay!!!!

That is a very presumptuous statement to make nuvistors.  You don't even know me.  

Message 4 of 12
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Re: Thank you eBay!!!!

Thank you for your comments brandenentertainment.  Be assured there was far more to the transaction with the negative than meets the eye.  The buyer was angry the item he purchased from me was probably not going to arrive in time for Christmas.  Buyer never asked if it would arrive before Christmas and I made no promises it would arrive before Christmas.   Buyer emailed me and insisted I ship another item for free and with overnight express shipping also at my expense so that it would arrive in time for Christmas.  I refused.  Buyer then launched a not as described claim stating the item had arrived in the mail but was broken beyond repair and actually accused me of sending a broken item in the mail.   I emailed the buyer and simply asked that some evidence of the damage be provided at which time I would gladly refund all of his money.  Buyer did this and I gave full refund.  Buyer then leaves negative feedback saying I refused to make things right.  You are absolutely right that you don't tell a buyer they are wrong and not logical but you know sometimes you just have to do what you have to do.  And these are the kinds of people that affect your DSR.  

Message 5 of 12
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Re: Thank you eBay!!!!

Yup, Ebay should do something about those bottom feeding buyers that have no clue what service and performance is.


Message 6 of 12
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Re: Thank you eBay!!!!

in that case I feel your pain .. I had a buyer receive item that had rip in the wrapper THAT YOU TEAR OFF THE DVD ... they wanted me to buy them a different one because i had none left and ship it to them .. I said no then they wanted an $8 refund i said please return i will pay return shipping ..


The item sold for $28 and even used i could have got $35 for it .. I offered to pay return shipping they wanted me to go out and buy them a new one .. Needless to say I refund Some and will block them when it is all said and done ..

Message 7 of 12
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Re: Thank you eBay!!!!

That is a very presumptuous statement to make nuvistors.  You don't even know me.  

No, but your response is what every future customer will see as your response to an adverse situation. And that response is likely to lead to the customer moving on to someone calmer and more professional.

While you later explained to us the reason behind the rant, until that point no one had anything to go on but your obvious anger.

Angry has no place in business. Make it right or move on. It’s not personal.

You can add a response to your FB (and to his). Can you find a calm and factual way to explain the problem and reassign the damage to the idiot buyer?

“Bought too late for Xmas delivery Fully refunded What more?” would be one solution.



Message 8 of 12
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Re: Thank you eBay!!!!

Looking  at this again, if you are complaining now about something that happened six months ago, I have to think that some of your positive feedbacks were accompanied by low DSRs.

Many buyers are nervous of leaving negative feedback for fear of damage to their own feedback. And of course there are some who are just passive –aggressive.

One unhappy customer out of 131 selling FB, should not pull down the 12 month average we can see. (Can  it? I’m dysnumeric. Don’t try to explain, just tell me yes or no.)

If you are getting  ones or twos, there is an ongoing problem. Even threes indicate trouble.

What are you doing wrong according to all your customers DSRs? Besides selling to people with way too much testosterone.

Message 9 of 12
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Re: Thank you eBay!!!!

Hi femmefan.  My original post is critical of eBay's DSR system and the email they send every month to remind you your performance is below standard even though they are basing their email on DSR numbers received 5-6 months ago.  I am not complaining now about something that happened 6 months ago because that negative is old news and there was nothing I would have been able to do to change they buyers attitude.  I felt I had to respond because nuvistors decided to comment on the negative I had received and further to question my intelligence.   As I said I am not complaining about the negative from 6 months ago but eBay brings that negative and its associated low DSR numbers to my attention every month and  I am guessing it will take about one year to cycle through before the numbers finally drop off the table.  And yes, femmefan, you are correct in your assumption there was more than the 1 negative.  About the same time another buyer made a multiple purchase and left positive feedback but low DSR numbers for each of the items with respect to shipping cost.    As you can probably tell I am not a huge fan of the  DSR system.  As I have stated before in other threads I totally agree sellers need to be held accountable to buyers over matters which they can control.  In my view DSR gives the buyer way too much power over matters which the seller has absolutely no control.     

Message 10 of 12
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Re: Thank you eBay!!!!

Actually, sellers do have some control over shipping costs.  You seem to have found the answer recently.  You sold a resin Kit (Kirin) for $75.00 with "free shipping" (meaning the shipping charge is included in the price).


That is control! 


You automatically get a DSR rating of 5 for "Shipping Cost". 🙂

Message 11 of 12
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Re: Thank you eBay!!!!

Coolthings, pardon the pun, you need to chill. Reacting to Nu is a lot like beating your head against the wall, it feels so good when you stop. Do not stoop to Nu's level.


The other side of the "warning" email is that as things improve you will also get the "Yer doing good, keep it up" email followed by the warning one. It makes no sense.


I feel that ALL aspects of everything are under my control. I have a variety of choices and I exercise them. There is no such thing as "I had no choice".


I believe that DSR are not being used as heavy-handed as most think. I think that eBay has realized that what they intended is not what happened. They have quietly put less emphasis on DSR. I just looked at mine for the first time in about a year. Straight 4.8's.


I got hit with a couple of wingnuts in the last month that hurt me. Boo-hoo. I must have had my idiot magnet on.


Thing is, my hide is so thick an elephant gun can't bring me down. 35 years of liquor retail will do that to a person. I wish I could loan my thick hide out to people. It DOES make a difference.

Message 12 of 12
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