July 29th 2015 Weekly Board Hour

Hello Canadian eBayers,


The weekly chat is back! Please start posting at your convenience, I'll be with you at 1 PM Eastern as usual.

Message 1 of 50
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Re: July 29th 2015 Weekly Board Hour

Good morning.


As we all know, things on eBay.ca discussion boards are not what they used to be.


In the “good old days” we had a very vibrant “Canada Town Square” with twenty to thirty new threads started daily with very active participation by hundreds of posters (some buyers, some sellers, some “socializers” and eBay.ca staffers joining the parties from time to time). We had regular “birthday parties” with cake and fireworks! We had congratulatory parties when a member achieved a new feedback milestone or new star. New babies and weddings were always a great reason to celebrate. Trips half way around the country to save a cat drew attention from everyone, recipes were shared, etc… etc..


Of course, from time to time some members got carried away in heated discussions and needed to be reprimanded. Oh well… nobody is perfect. But, all in all, eBay discussion boards, “Canada Town Square” more specifically, were a fun place to spend a few moments every day.


Today the place is dead. I mean dead. Nobody cares.


On July 1st, a thread was started wishing a Happy Canada Day. It attracted five replies. Since then, in the whole month of July, only three (3) new threads were started attracting a grand total of four replies – in a month! The place is dead. Folks have moved on.


This brings me to my question today. Please take a look at this thread on Seller Central:


more specifically on post #34 from yesterday.


I fully understand the posting rules and the need to monitor activities but, tell me, was that necessary?


Message 2 of 50
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Re: July 29th 2015 Weekly Board Hour

Microsoft will be introducing Windows 10 with its new browser this week.


Is eBay ready?

Message 3 of 50
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Re: July 29th 2015 Weekly Board Hour

I list some items on .com, sell internationally and have combined shipping set up properly.


When more than 1 item sells to the US on .com (which is local) the combined shipping works fine and Ebay takes a FVF on shipping split between say 3 items.


eg: sell 3 items, combined shipping is set up as follows: $3 for the 1st and the other 2 ship free and Ebay will charge FVF on $3 split up to $1 per item for a total of 18¢


When more than 1 item sells say to Poland is when issues come up. If I sell those same 3 items to a Polish (or other overseas buyer) the shipping works out fine as it is set up for $10 and the other 2 ship for free.


The problem arises in the calculation of FVF on the shipping as now it is calculated on the full amount of the shipping for 1 item times 3. In other words, it calculates FVF for shipping on $9 for a total ot 54¢.


The whole procedure for calculating FVF on shipping is a mess and policy does not explain how it works. I personally feel this is not the correct way to calculate it and is a cash grab by Ebay


Why is it charging more (calculating it differently) on the international than the domestic? I have a file open with Ebay, but of course, no one has ever gotten back to me.


My file number is 1-50618603991 if you would like to check on it.

Message 4 of 50
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Re: July 29th 2015 Weekly Board Hour

Hello Raphael,


Initiated by me the subject of LISTING CURRENCY has attracted many responses and active participation of few other sellers and other discussions on the same subject got started. For 14 years that I am selling on eBay I was always using US dollar as listing currency regardless of the exchange rate between Canadian and US currency.


And I would like to stay this way for following reasons:

- For infrequent Canadian buyers the change is not important because the system displays the price in Canadian dollars for everyone who observes the listings and wants to buy or buys something.

- the price in US dollars is my most important measurement of good and bad sales, the tool of my evaluation of the existing and potential competition

- My subscription permits me to list up to 100 auction style collectibles and I have wasted few of them in last days when without an appropriate (or any) notice from eBay the items got listings in Canadian dollars. 

I have deleted them! My time was "well spent"... and my money... And all this created just a simple feeling of fear towards the system.


This is very personal question, Raphael:

PLEASE ALLOW me to stay in this business which I respected and followed rules for may years. You can see that I am not the biggest seller, but kinda "average" and I want to keep it as long as I can if my health and eBay permits me. I will not be able to continue it with listings in Canadian dollars.

Message 5 of 50
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Re: July 29th 2015 Weekly Board Hour

Good morning! I am glad to see you are back. I have a few issues to mention that I would appreciate someone having a look into:


1. Watermarking. Can ebay please consider more effective auto-watermarking on its user’s photos? There are very specific rules about the watermarks a seller can use prior to uploading photos so why not instead make ebay’s own better? I spend several hours per month reporting other sellers who’ve stolen my work and usually to no avail. The system default watermark is all-too easily cropped away and there are no options to address it.


2. Logos. Will seller Store Logos in search results coming to ebay Canada?


3. USA Tracking Validation. There is a problem with USA tracked packages not validating as I have reported in the past but now I have discovered the fault lays within Order Details. Post-shipment, a seller must go into the Order Details and SAVE the shipping info on certain orders because it shows it’s not delivered despite the tracking number being recognized and visible. 


4. Sales Maximizers aka Promotions. When will we gain the ability to use Promotions on ebay.ca?


5. Bulk editing manager misbehaving again. It states the UPCs are missing and arbitrary moves or removes categories altogether. "No product found for ProductListingDetails. <7XXXXX000002> "http://community.ebay.ca/t5/Site-Issues/Bulk-Listing-manager-Malfunction-on-Product-Identiifers/td-p...


6. Deficiencies in the Product Catalogue. Where can I report incorrect information contained within the Product Catalogue? Only two times has my item been recognized and both times it has been connected to very incorrect details and/or photographs. 


Thank you,




p.s. I concur completely with Pierre above. I felt entirely demeaned and devalued when the moderator stepped in to reprimand us as if we are unruly and none-too-bright children. If one really considers it, we were also not entirely off-topic.



Message 6 of 50
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Re: July 29th 2015 Weekly Board Hour

A long long time ago, eBay.ca staffers and managers suggested that the lower cost of purchasing postage online through eBay/PayPal was in part the result of eBay subsidizing the cost of postage from Canada Post on some services.


As we all know, the discount given to Canadian sellers purchasing their postage through PayPal has been reduced in the last few years on some services.


My question today is:  Is eBay still subsidizing a portion of the postage costs for some Canada Post services offered through PayPal or has eBay stopped subsidizing the program?

Message 7 of 50
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Re: July 29th 2015 Weekly Board Hour

@pierrelebel wrote:

Good morning.


As we all know, things on eBay.ca discussion boards are not what they used to be.


In the “good old days” we had a very vibrant “Canada Town Square” with twenty to thirty new threads started daily with very active participation by hundreds of posters (some buyers, some sellers, some “socializers” and eBay.ca staffers joining the parties from time to time). We had regular “birthday parties” with cake and fireworks! We had congratulatory parties when a member achieved a new feedback milestone or new star. New babies and weddings were always a great reason to celebrate. Trips half way around the country to save a cat drew attention from everyone, recipes were shared, etc… etc..


Of course, from time to time some members got carried away in heated discussions and needed to be reprimanded. Oh well… nobody is perfect. But, all in all, eBay discussion boards, “Canada Town Square” more specifically, were a fun place to spend a few moments every day.


Today the place is dead. I mean dead. Nobody cares.


On July 1st, a thread was started wishing a Happy Canada Day. It attracted five replies. Since then, in the whole month of July, only three (3) new threads were started attracting a grand total of four replies – in a month! The place is dead. Folks have moved on.


This brings me to my question today. Please take a look at this thread on Seller Central:


more specifically on post #34 from yesterday.


I fully understand the posting rules and the need to monitor activities but, tell me, was that necessary?


Hi Pierre,


I'm sure you'll understand why it's not appropriate for me to comment on the moderation practices currently in place on the discussion forums. With that said, whether Lizzie was right or wrong with her call to order, she did offer an alternative in order for everyone to carry the discussion on.

Message 8 of 50
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Re: July 29th 2015 Weekly Board Hour

@pierrelebel wrote:

Microsoft will be introducing Windows 10 with its new browser this week.


Is eBay ready?

Yes, as far as I know. Why are you asking? Does anything ever go wrong on eBay? 😉

Message 9 of 50
latest reply

Re: July 29th 2015 Weekly Board Hour

@dutchman48 wrote:

I list some items on .com, sell internationally and have combined shipping set up properly.


When more than 1 item sells to the US on .com (which is local) the combined shipping works fine and Ebay takes a FVF on shipping split between say 3 items.


eg: sell 3 items, combined shipping is set up as follows: $3 for the 1st and the other 2 ship free and Ebay will charge FVF on $3 split up to $1 per item for a total of 18¢


When more than 1 item sells say to Poland is when issues come up. If I sell those same 3 items to a Polish (or other overseas buyer) the shipping works out fine as it is set up for $10 and the other 2 ship for free.


The problem arises in the calculation of FVF on the shipping as now it is calculated on the full amount of the shipping for 1 item times 3. In other words, it calculates FVF for shipping on $9 for a total ot 54¢.


The whole procedure for calculating FVF on shipping is a mess and policy does not explain how it works. I personally feel this is not the correct way to calculate it and is a cash grab by Ebay


Why is it charging more (calculating it differently) on the international than the domestic? I have a file open with Ebay, but of course, no one has ever gotten back to me.


My file number is 1-50618603991 if you would like to check on it.

Hi dutchman48,


Thanks for bringing this up. Just to make sure I understand, you're saying that the FVF on shipping is calculated without consideration to the shipping discounts you offer? I'll take this to the appropriate teams for review.

Message 10 of 50
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Re: July 29th 2015 Weekly Board Hour

@block36 wrote:

Hello Raphael,


Initiated by me the subject of LISTING CURRENCY has attracted many responses and active participation of few other sellers and other discussions on the same subject got started. For 14 years that I am selling on eBay I was always using US dollar as listing currency regardless of the exchange rate between Canadian and US currency.


And I would like to stay this way for following reasons:

- For infrequent Canadian buyers the change is not important because the system displays the price in Canadian dollars for everyone who observes the listings and wants to buy or buys something.

- the price in US dollars is my most important measurement of good and bad sales, the tool of my evaluation of the existing and potential competition

- My subscription permits me to list up to 100 auction style collectibles and I have wasted few of them in last days when without an appropriate (or any) notice from eBay the items got listings in Canadian dollars. 

I have deleted them! My time was "well spent"... and my money... And all this created just a simple feeling of fear towards the system.


This is very personal question, Raphael:

PLEASE ALLOW me to stay in this business which I respected and followed rules for may years. You can see that I am not the biggest seller, but kinda "average" and I want to keep it as long as I can if my health and eBay permits me. I will not be able to continue it with listings in Canadian dollars.

Hi block36,


We're not forcing anyone to use CAD or USD on their listings. It's possible that you are defaulted to the quick listing tool, which now only allows new listings to be created in CAD. If you wish to list in USD, you can do so by switching to the advanced listing tool, via the link in the top right corner of the quick listing tool:



Message 11 of 50
latest reply

Re: July 29th 2015 Weekly Board Hour

Hi Raphael.


"We're not forcing anyone to use CAD or USD on their listings."


I understand that.


However, since eBay.ca has now concluded that listing in Cdn$ may yield better results for Canadian sellers, is eBay.ca planning - at a future date - to have all listings on eBay.ca in a single currency - the Canadian dollar - as eBay has on all other international sites.

Message 12 of 50
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Re: July 29th 2015 Weekly Board Hour

Hi Maureen,

mjwl2006 wrote:

1. Watermarking. Can ebay please consider more effective auto-watermarking on its user’s photos? There are very specific rules about the watermarks a seller can use prior to uploading photos so why not instead make ebay’s own better? I spend several hours per month reporting other sellers who’ve stolen my work and usually to no avail. The system default watermark is all-too easily cropped away and there are no options to address it. 

As far as I know there are no plans to make improvements to the eBay-provided watermarking feature. However, there are tons of online solutions one could choose from if they wish to do so. If you choose to go that way, please ensure that the watermarks follow eBay's guidelines.

mjwl2006 wrote: 

2. Logos. Will seller Store Logos in search results coming to ebay Canada? 

This is something we do hope to bring to eBay.ca in the future.

@mjwl2006 wrote:

3. USA Tracking Validation. There is a problem with USA tracked packages not validating as I have reported in the past but now I have discovered the fault lays within Order Details. Post-shipment, a seller must go into the Order Details and SAVE the shipping info on certain orders because it shows it’s not delivered despite the tracking number being recognized and visible.  

I've personally observed delays in tracking data on the eBay side, that's because tracking data isn't updated in real time. I have never, however, observed problems where action was required in order to make tracking update with the carrier's data. I'd love to look into this but I will need a sold item where the problem is visible in order to do that.

@mjwl2006 wrote:

4. Sales Maximizers aka Promotions. When will we gain the ability to use Promotions on ebay.ca? 

There are architectural differences between eBay.com and eBay.ca that are preventing us from launching Sales Maximizer on eBay.ca at this time. We've been working on ways to work around or resolve these differences so we can bring that amazing tool rot the Canadian market, but it's unlikely that we will see any movement there this year.

@mjwl2006 wrote:

5. Bulk editing manager misbehaving again. It states the UPCs are missing and arbitrary moves or removes categories altogether. "No product found for ProductListingDetails. <7XXXXX000002> "http://community.ebay.ca/t5/Site-Issues/Bulk-Listing-manager-Malfunction-on-Product-Identiifers/td-p... 

I would really like to see this at play. I'll get in touch with you by email so we can figure out a way to trouble shoot this.

@mjwl2006 wrote:

6. Deficiencies in the Product Catalogue. Where can I report incorrect information contained within the Product Catalogue? Only two times has my item been recognized and both times it has been connected to very incorrect details and/or photographs.  

There should be a link present at the product selection stage to do just that. If you don't see it, please send me an email with the error(s) details and I'll forward it internally.

Message 13 of 50
latest reply

Re: July 29th 2015 Weekly Board Hour

@pierrelebel wrote:

A long long time ago, eBay.ca staffers and managers suggested that the lower cost of purchasing postage online through eBay/PayPal was in part the result of eBay subsidizing the cost of postage from Canada Post on some services.


As we all know, the discount given to Canadian sellers purchasing their postage through PayPal has been reduced in the last few years on some services.


My question today is:  Is eBay still subsidizing a portion of the postage costs for some Canada Post services offered through PayPal or has eBay stopped subsidizing the program?

We still subsidize some of the Canada Post rates offered on the PayPal labels platform, but only a tiny bit. The reason why we retracted from the previous, more generous subsidy is simply that it cost a lot more money than it generated business for Canadian sellers.

Message 14 of 50
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Re: July 29th 2015 Weekly Board Hour

That is correct

Message 15 of 50
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Re: July 29th 2015 Weekly Board Hour

raphael@ebay.com wrote:

@block36 wrote:

Hello Raphael,


Initiated by me the subject of LISTING CURRENCY has attracted many responses and active participation of few other sellers and other discussions on the same subject got started. For 14 years that I am selling on eBay I was always using US dollar as listing currency regardless of the exchange rate between Canadian and US currency.


And I would like to stay this way for following reasons:

- For infrequent Canadian buyers the change is not important because the system displays the price in Canadian dollars for everyone who observes the listings and wants to buy or buys something.

- the price in US dollars is my most important measurement of good and bad sales, the tool of my evaluation of the existing and potential competition

- My subscription permits me to list up to 100 auction style collectibles and I have wasted few of them in last days when without an appropriate (or any) notice from eBay the items got listings in Canadian dollars. 

I have deleted them! My time was "well spent"... and my money... And all this created just a simple feeling of fear towards the system.


This is very personal question, Raphael:

PLEASE ALLOW me to stay in this business which I respected and followed rules for may years. You can see that I am not the biggest seller, but kinda "average" and I want to keep it as long as I can if my health and eBay permits me. I will not be able to continue it with listings in Canadian dollars.

Hi block36,


We're not forcing anyone to use CAD or USD on their listings. It's possible that you are defaulted to the quick listing tool, which now only allows new listings to be created in CAD. If you wish to list in USD, you can do so by switching to the advanced listing tool, via the link in the top right corner of the quick listing tool:



I don't think that the answer is that simple...it seems to be a glitch.  Normally if a seller clicks on sell similar and that listing was done on the advanced form, the new listing will also be on the advanced form. Normally if sell similar is used, the currency will be the same as the original listing currency.  But some posters have reported that when they have an active listing and they click on sell similar, the currency is in Cdn $ even though the original listing was in U.S. $.    I'm not sure if the same things happens when sell similar is used on an unsold item.

Message 16 of 50
latest reply

Re: July 29th 2015 Weekly Board Hour

@pierrelebel wrote:

Hi Raphael.


"We're not forcing anyone to use CAD or USD on their listings."


I understand that.


However, since eBay.ca has now concluded that listing in Cdn$ may yield better results for Canadian sellers, is eBay.ca planning - at a future date - to have all listings on eBay.ca in a single currency - the Canadian dollar - as eBay has on all other international sites.

No firm decisions have been made towards that at this time.

Message 17 of 50
latest reply

Re: July 29th 2015 Weekly Board Hour

raphael@ebay.com wrote:

@dutchman48 wrote:

I list some items on .com, sell internationally and have combined shipping set up properly.


When more than 1 item sells to the US on .com (which is local) the combined shipping works fine and Ebay takes a FVF on shipping split between say 3 items.


eg: sell 3 items, combined shipping is set up as follows: $3 for the 1st and the other 2 ship free and Ebay will charge FVF on $3 split up to $1 per item for a total of 18¢


When more than 1 item sells say to Poland is when issues come up. If I sell those same 3 items to a Polish (or other overseas buyer) the shipping works out fine as it is set up for $10 and the other 2 ship for free.


The problem arises in the calculation of FVF on the shipping as now it is calculated on the full amount of the shipping for 1 item times 3. In other words, it calculates FVF for shipping on $9 for a total ot 54¢.


The whole procedure for calculating FVF on shipping is a mess and policy does not explain how it works. I personally feel this is not the correct way to calculate it and is a cash grab by Ebay


Why is it charging more (calculating it differently) on the international than the domestic? I have a file open with Ebay, but of course, no one has ever gotten back to me.


My file number is 1-50618603991 if you would like to check on it.

Hi dutchman48,


Thanks for bringing this up. Just to make sure I understand, you're saying that the FVF on shipping is calculated without consideration to the shipping discounts you offer? I'll take this to the appropriate teams for review.

That is correct.


sorry for not adding quote to my previous response.

Message 18 of 50
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Re: July 29th 2015 Weekly Board Hour

raphael@ebay.com wrote:

@pierrelebel wrote:

Hi Raphael.


"We're not forcing anyone to use CAD or USD on their listings."


I understand that.


However, since eBay.ca has now concluded that listing in Cdn$ may yield better results for Canadian sellers, is eBay.ca planning - at a future date - to have all listings on eBay.ca in a single currency - the Canadian dollar - as eBay has on all other international sites.

No firm decisions have been made towards that at this time.

By your response, it sounds like it is being considered seriously?

Message 19 of 50
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Re: July 29th 2015 Weekly Board Hour

@pjcdn2005 wrote:
I don't think that the answer is that simple...it seems to be a glitch.  Normally if a seller clicks on sell similar and that listing was done on the advanced form, the new listing will also be on the advanced form. Normally if sell similar is used, the currency will be the same as the original listing currency.  But some posters have reported that when they have an active listing and they click on sell similar, the currency is in Cdn $ even though the original listing was in U.S. $.    I'm not sure if the same things happens when sell similar is used on an unsold item.

Hi pjcdn2005,


Sell Similar works like a new listing. For sellers who are on the quick listing tool, since we've made the currency change, items listed via Sell Similar will be in CAD. They can still switch to the advanced tool if they wish to change to USD. 

Message 20 of 50
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