Lets try a thread of positive things about Ebay selling!!

I definitely find this board very informative and useful, but sometimes it seems a little discouraging, with a lot of negative stuff, so I thought why don't we have a "positive" stuff of selling on Ebay thread??

I'll start with some positive things I can think of:

GUIDES: I've written a couple of them, they've had 100's of reviewers. I believe it is bringing buyers into my store! I've found some categories that are realatively empty of guides and have posted mine, in fact in some of the categories the only guides so far are mine! Anyway keep your eyes peeled, it's a free way to maybe bring more people to your listings!

CANADA POST: Had a lost package to Canary Islands. Put in the forms to my local post office (I'm in a wee village of 300 people) for the insurance. Couple weeks later got "the letter" that I've seen others complaining about asking for my cost, copies of all the stuff I already provided etc. This of course was frustrating because I already sent in all the info they asked for and they had the good copies! Anyway my local postal lady called the contact on the letter, and explained the situation and all is well, they're covering the full $100 now. I'm very fortunate to have a small community PO to deal with!

There you go, there's a couple of positive things, who else has some good stuff or suggestions to bring forward?
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Lets try a thread of positive things about Ebay selling!!

Still awaiting for my cheque from CP and its been only three weeks -- I guess that good eh! or maybe NOT!

PS - the claim is from July 5th.
Message 2 of 20
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Lets try a thread of positive things about Ebay selling!!

Apparently not.


Message 3 of 20
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Lets try a thread of positive things about Ebay selling!!

Community Member
eBay is easy to spell.

Message 4 of 20
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Lets try a thread of positive things about Ebay selling!!

Only if you're not capitalization challenged like I am!
Message 5 of 20
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Lets try a thread of positive things about Ebay selling!!

Community Member

I work a lot, but I have not had to work for someone else for two years now:)

Message 6 of 20
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Lets try a thread of positive things about Ebay selling!!

Community Member
Working on Ebay Positives:

1. Could work in the nude if I wanted to.
2. Deodorant no longer a must.
3. Short commute to work.
4. Only 7,347 other people sell what I sell on Ebay.
5. Ebay fees lessen disposable income so I eat less donuts and lose weight.(1/2 a pound now!!)
6. Get to really annoy local Post Office people who deserve it.
7. Spend much time sorting dead people's stuff.
8. Can pass wind without becoming a social outcast.
9. Makes me appreciate a paying job!
10. Have become a major online geek who frequents chat boards.
Message 7 of 20
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Lets try a thread of positive things about Ebay selling!!

Community Member
lol....that's funny : )
Message 8 of 20
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Lets try a thread of positive things about Ebay selling!!

Some positives:
I don't need daycare for my kid anymore.
Takes off anytime I want, works anytime I want.
Gets to know lots of interesting people.
Lots of interesting items to pay with (for a short while anyway).
2 or 3 hours lunch if I wanted to.
buy anything I want(those that I THINK I can sell, haha)
My kid learn to say ebay before supermarket.
etc, kid is calling, got to go.
Richmond, BC
Message 9 of 20
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Lets try a thread of positive things about Ebay selling!!

Community Member
1. Gained weight sitting at the PC all day
2. Friends said i "needed" the extra weight.
3. Eyesight 6yrs ago was 20/20, now is 02/20
4. After replying over 150,000 emails, I can type with my eyes closed.
5. tyoimf with m,u eues closed. 😉

Moez. My mommy says i'm cool

My mommy says i'm cool

Message 10 of 20
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Lets try a thread of positive things about Ebay selling!!

ha! LOL !
i don't think I can top some of those answers :^O
Message 11 of 20
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Lets try a thread of positive things about Ebay selling!!

How many of you has pictures of your kid's school activities? I got tons. I attended most of them. 🙂
Richmond, BC
Message 12 of 20
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Lets try a thread of positive things about Ebay selling!!

Community Member
I finally found a way to get paid to shop!
Message 13 of 20
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Lets try a thread of positive things about Ebay selling!!

Community Member
1. You can deal with idiots and mental people in remote fashion and safely.
2. Have fun of tag game with e-bay and paypal support.
3. Pump your adrenaline while expecting paypal chargebacks
Message 14 of 20
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Lets try a thread of positive things about Ebay selling!!

Great thread ricarmic...I share your feelings about this board, it can be useful for some things, but there's a lot of negative people here who seem miserable being ebayers, which is why I don't spend much time here (aside from the fact that I'd rather be working on making my business better than chatting here). I often wonder why they don't just throw in the towel if they are so unhappy...no one is putting a gun to their head to be here selling.

To be honest, I don't get it. I just think these people have never been in business before. ALL businesses come with some headaches. Yes it would be nice if Canada post could be a little more competent and accommodating. Yes it doesn't make a lot of sense how paypal operates sometimes. As for pain in the butt customers, they are part of the territory again in ALL types of businesses. But really, these things are minor. I've been in the retail business, food business and wholesaling. Ebay is a vacation compared to those businesses and I can tell you my buddy who owns a restaurant totally agrees with me.

Where else can you expose your product to millions of people around the world, for pennies, in the comfort of your own home on your own time? Ebay does it's job incredibly well and provides the customers, it's up to us to provide the right products. If tons of other people are selling what you're selling..or if you don't have enough profit margin to cover ebay fees comfortably...then you're selling the wrong product...don't blame ebay. If you're product does well for a while but then slows down, reinvent yourself...this is all part of being in business whether you're an ebayer or a Fortune 500 corporation. If you expected your ebay business to consist of putting any old product you find without much effort up for sale, have it sell like hotcake's for the next decade while you sip coffee in your comfy office chair in your warm house while its snowing outside, then you're quite naive. If you did/do think this then ebay is not your problem, being in business is your problem because it's probably not for you.

I thank the man upstairs everyday for ebay...what a phenomenal way to make a living!!!

P.s. It seems to me some of the biggest ebay bashers on this board are in on almost every thread...maybe they should spend more of their time working on making their businesses more profitable instead of spending so much time here bashing. This way they'd be more profitable and probably would do a lot less complaining.
Message 15 of 20
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Lets try a thread of positive things about Ebay selling!!

Well said!!
Message 16 of 20
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Lets try a thread of positive things about Ebay selling!!

Community Member
cello10, you stated:

Where else can you expose your product to millions of people around the world, for pennies

Those pennies add up to over $10k monthly

So when they have a Seller Profitability Forum day and we are top sellers in our category in Canada, I figure we would be invited to give our input...but hmm..guess not. I'm not bitter, we get better treatment from our US top seller rep. My mommy says i'm cool

My mommy says i'm cool

Message 17 of 20
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Lets try a thread of positive things about Ebay selling!!

Community Member
Oh ya something positive, I bought a pair of eBay pajamas..apparantly the only ones ever made, and they look pretty spiffy! :8} My mommy says i'm cool

My mommy says i'm cool

Message 18 of 20
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Lets try a thread of positive things about Ebay selling!!

Well I can't wait for my pennies to add up to 10K a month because I know what kind of money I'll be making at that kind of volume.

I mean if you break it down to product by product, if you've got enough of a profit margin between your selling price and your cost AND your products are unique enough that you're selling enough of them AND you've got your other expenses of doing business under control then those pennies, whatever they add up to on a monthly basis, are well spent because there is plenty of profit being made. Again this is the same in every business, it's about having the right business model in place.

If any part of the above equation is not working for you then you've got to fix something, once again it is not ebay's fault.

I mean I can take one of my products put it up for auction for around 75 cents or put it in my store for 6 cents and it gets exposed to millions of potential people...c'mon people that's a ridiculous bargain that no other format or media can come even close to matching!

MOMO so glad you replied to this thread! I'm looking for a car mount for my cell phone and see you have some...I think we'll be talking soon!
Message 19 of 20
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Lets try a thread of positive things about Ebay selling!!

Okay, Momo - we want pics!

(but keep it clean) :-x


Message 20 of 20
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