Shipping cost confuse

Hi Guys,


I'm selling lcd tv mount and also someones too, 


please check the item:


this store selling tv mount from 30$ with free shipping to canada, as a tv mount seller it's hard to believe because I'm selling from montreal same size item and just shipping cost to quebec and ontario almost 15$ with paypal shipping label and as I said they selling to whole canada (for example to Yukon, Namur very expensive to shipping cost, about 40$-50$) . The product cost already about 15$ from china to canada. Also have to pay eBay fee + paypal and need make profit. 


Do you guys have any idea?

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Re: Shipping cost confuse

I suspect that seller is not shipping from within Canada but directly from a 'dropshipper' in China.

He gives his location as CA,Canada. Which should mean California, Canada.


Mail from overseas is not subject to the Regional rates that Canadians pay domestically.

To be fair, if you shipped your item to the USA, you would probably pay the same amount for shipping to Maine, Alaska or California.


Listings are supposed to give the location of the item, not the seller. This is so that the buyer can estimate the time for delivery and the possible cost of duty, sales tax and brokerage fees on an imported purchase.


The seller could be Reported for using an incorrect location.


Shipping within Canada is very high. This is one reason that experienced mail order sellers will tell you that not every item is suitable for mail order. This includes low priced but bulky items.

Your competition is not just that dropshipping eBay seller. Check your price (including shipping) against Best Buy or WalMart both of which will ship to their customers.

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