Why are the shipping charges from the USA to Canada so outrageous?

Why are the shipping charges from the USA to Canada so outrageous?

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Why are the shipping charges from the USA to Canada so outrageous?

Do you have a specific item number in mind? There could be many reasons... Priority/Express Mail instead of First Class, GSP, greed from seller, etc.

Message 2 of 10
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Why are the shipping charges from the USA to Canada so outrageous?

Because there's a Customs clearance in the middle of it.

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Message 3 of 10
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Why are the shipping charges from the USA to Canada so outrageous?

Shipping charges are high because many American sellers select premium shipping services offering them protection against buyers potentially making claims of non-receipt.


In the "good old days" sellers would put a few stamps on an envelope or package and ship it.  everything was fine.


Today, many feel a need for protection against scammers.


Are there more scammers today than ten or twenty years ago? I do not know but we certainly hear about a lot of eBay sellers claiming to have been scammed, don't we?

Message 4 of 10
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Why are the shipping charges from the USA to Canada so outrageous?

Because to get Confirmation of Delivery on a parcel to Canada, the seller has to pay over $20 to USPS.

Because if the seller opts into the new Global Shipping Program, which offers him some protection against silly delivery complaints, the buyer pays a fee to Pitney-Bowes for the privilege of customs clearance, tracking and insurance. These charges are not seen by the seller and he does not get a penny of them.

Because shipping to non-US destinations requires the seller to bring the parcel to the local post office, while domestic parcels can be picked up by USPS. Time is money.

One man's "outrageous" is another man's "covering costs". Have you looked into the cost of shipping that parcel that upset you on the USPS website? You may be shocked.


Message 5 of 10
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Why are the shipping charges from the USA to Canada so outrageous?

@femmefan1946 wrote:

Because to get Confirmation of Delivery on a parcel to Canada, the seller has to pay over $20 to USPS.


Femme got very good points.


However, the point above is not true anymore. Fist Class Mail packages now have DC in Canada and do not cost over $20. More between $7 and $15.

Message 6 of 10
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Why are the shipping charges from the USA to Canada so outrageous?

@lady.stark wrote:

First Class Mail packages now have DC in Canada and do not cost over $20. More between $7 and $15.


A First Class Mail International package with a mass greater than two pounds will cost more than $15 to mail to Canada (online price).

Message 7 of 10
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Why are the shipping charges from the USA to Canada so outrageous?

Why are the shipping charges from the USA to Canada so outrageous?

"Because shipping to non-US destinations requires the seller to bring the parcel to the local post office, while domestic parcels can be picked up by USPS. Time is money."

Sorry, but this excuse is just plain ridiculous, people in the US can get up off their butts like everyone else to ship their items if need be.
Message 9 of 10
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Why are the shipping charges from the USA to Canada so outrageous?

"Because shipping to non-US destinations requires the seller to bring the parcel to the local post office, while domestic parcels can be picked up by USPS. Time is money."



That's not correct. At one time sellers had  to go to the post office to buy first class international mail as they couldn't print it online. But that changed quite a while ago they can now print it online and give the package directly to their mailmen just like they do with other packages.

Message 10 of 10
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