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eBay Restricting use of outdated Internet Security Protocol

Hi eBay Members, eBay has decided to restrict the use of outdated Internet Security Protocol, SSL 3.0, because we have determined that it does not meet our standards. As such, some Turbo Lister users could see some connectivity issues. For more infor...

Holiday Returns available in Turbo Lister

Hi Turbo Lister Users, The option to apply Holiday Returns in Turbo Lister is now available in the Beta version of the program. When deciding whether or not to be a Beta user, please keep in mind that the beta versions aren't free of bugs, nor are th...


Recent Issues w/Turbo Lister Sign In

Hi Turbo Lister Users, A recent Windows update has caused some programs, including Turbo Lister, to crash. To sign-in to Turbo Lister before the improved Windows update is released, please follow these steps: Open Internet Explorer Open the Tools men...

Getting your $ out of Paypal

Does anybody know of a way to get money out of Paypal in US Funds? It always converts to Canadian for me and I'm tired of their crappy rates. Thanks, Howard

Way to skip Paypal chrgeack how I, got screwed

I, bought a cell phone for US$250 from US seller , paid timely and didnt get any email, confirmation or shipping info after 15 days open dispute with paypal for chargeback guess what immidiatly got email from seller , he is so sorry was out of twon a...

Has anybody heard about the changes to file a claim for loss pkg at CP?

Hi, I am wondering if anybody else out there has heard about the changes to the filing procedure for a loss pkg with Canada post? I have a customer who has been waiting patiently for her item. I told her that I am unable to file/open a loss claim for...

Florentine tray must be made of wood!!... does it??

I've sold an almost new looking, nice patterned florentine tray. Not knowing the exact material content I didn't specify anything in my description. Buyer now left me a message of disappointment, because the tray isn't made of real wood! and she expe...

anybody having problems with relisting items today?

Hi, I was wondering if anybody is having any problems with relists today. I had a few store item auctions end. And when I hit the relist button, the auction text had changed. Question marks are inserted all over the place. I had to manually remove th...

US exchange rates a whole 15.2% on my $US deposit today at my local credit union. Sterling's barely breaking $2.00, though I had to pay $2.07 to get some sterling cash today, and a Paypal payment to the UK cost me about $2.05......Fenian

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** Error Messages? Login Problems? Check Here First! **

If you are receiving the error message 'page cannot be displayed' or 'page cannot be found' while attempting to access your account or open a new one, it may be because your browser's security level is set too low. For Microsoft Internet Explorer: Op...

Reviews & Guides Workshop: Nov 29, 2-3pm EST

Before you buy something, do you wonder what other people think of the product? Would you like to learn more about a product's features? Check out eBay Canada Reviews & Guides, which enables users to read and write product revi...

Canada Post shipping calculator

I just contacted ebay to see if they intended to implement a shipping calculator for Canadian Sellers. They don't plan to at the moment, but they told me to send the suggestion using this link If any of ...

Canada Post electronic shipping tools (EST)

I figured what the heck, sign up for this service CP offers. I finally got my email with the link to set it up but before I do this, is this a cheaper way to ship versus my Venture One card I presently use??

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Listing a coin properly

Hi: A question for any coin experts out there. I have an auction listed currently #8355720015. This item was picked up at an estate sale and I know nothing about old coins. I have described the coin with size, weight and also added not authenticated ...

Christmas shipping

Hello. I ship mostly to the United States and use Canada Post Small Parcel to the U.S. Usually it costs either $3.95 or $5.75 shipping. I am concerned about my items getting to the States in time for Christmas. Any opinions on what deadline I should ...

All Pinks Day: Tuesday, November 15 -- Game Thread

Hi everyone, The first All Pinks Day on will be held on Tuesday, November 15 and the Canada Town Square was selected to host all of the Pinks so you all can get to know us a little better. To add some fun we will be playing a game throughout ...

Does it worth to open an eBay store?

Hi Gang! Thinking about trying e-bay store option... Any world of wisdom from PS who did try it? What is pros and cons here? Does it really drive enough business to justify time for managing it? Anatoly

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Canada Post Small Packet Postage Increase January 2006

As expected, CP will be raising small packet rates yet again along with the lettermail postage increase in January. They say that the new rates have not yet been finalized, although all prices (US/international and surface/air) will be increasing by ...

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# of Watchers Column

Has anyone noticed any strange occurences in their # of Watchers Column in any of their auctions? Day 4 of a 7 day auction showed 17 watchers. Then, for some unknown reason, that number dropped to zero on Day 5. There wss no change in my auction desc...

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Hi Everyone. Did you happen to see this notice that came out today. As of Jan 16th/06 you will not be able to advertize that you will accept cash as a form of payment.What difference does it make to Ebay if cash is exchanged betwen the buyer and sell...

Canada Post still INCREASING Fuel surcharge

Was at the PO this evening and my friend there told me the new fuel charge was up to 7.75%, up from 7.5. With gas prices dropping 30% in the last 6 weeks, you'd think that they would have decreased the surcharge too. Guess they want to cash in on the...


Don't know what happened ot the thread! Had a Q. How does one make a bub cat. in an ebay store? ex: Kid's PC - Educational - Software Ect. ??????????

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I am shipping about 15 items per week into the US. I have been using Canada Post's Expedited Parcel service to the US and I want to try UPS. UPS requires more documentation. Will my customers have more duty issues if I use UPS? Will I come under more...

Are You Getting Your Store Referral Credit Or Do You Just Think You Are?

I've just learned something that I did not know. I've been grumbling about it and am now taking a moment to share it all with you! Do you have an eBay Store? Are you getting the Store Referral Credit? You know, the one you're supposed to get when som...

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NPB scam

I've just got example of how to avoid non-payer strike. Check this out: I sold an item to somebody, no reply nothing for a week. Ok, I filed NPD dispute. Couple days later I'm getting Paypal payment on item; thank you very much, I'm closing dispute. ...

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confirming your address w/PP - which CC??

I've been unable to confirm my address with my VanCity Visa. Which credit cards have you had luck confirming your address with Paypal??

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Discussion with eBay Canada Country Manager, Fri. Nov. 4, 3:00-4:00 ET

Please join us on Friday, November 4, from 3:00 PM to 4:00 PM ET for a general discussion and question and answer session with Jordan, the eBay Canada Country Manager. Jordan will be here on behalf of the eBay Canada team to answer any questions you ...

New "phishing" attempt

I've recently gotten a couple of very good "ask seller a question" emails asking about when the buyer could expect delivery of their item. I didn't recognize the name of the buyer so I check in "my messages" - not there! Then I checked the item numbe...

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Hi All, Welcome to the PayPal Board! Come on in We are very excited to have this opportunity to assist you with your PayPal concerns. We encourage you to discuss, debate, and question anything PayPal related here. I hope to see you around often! Best...

Crossing Border Question

Have been successfull crossing border with my books to ship from USA.Last time however I was perused for having 3 shirts on my 7523 sheet(I also sell clothes).I really seek to ship clothes from the US-Europe as the cost is 1/2 or less and way faster....

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Negative feedback

I had a buyer who after calling me 2 thousand times to get discounts and after agreing on a price...decides not to buy...and then he has the chutzpa to leave bad feedback as if I did something wrong... I paid square trade for the withdrawl and the gu...

Canada post shipping discount

I just signed up for the Electronic shipping tools discount from Canada post. I made an "ghost" shipment my old address 120 km away from where I live now. There was no difference from the Online shipping to my Venture 1 price. I have read that some P...

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