Global Shipping Program - Antique Boxes

I wanted to provide buyers and sellers a warning about the Global Shipping Program (GSP). Although I have purchased several items where the sellers have used the program, there have been 2 occasions where I purchased items and they were deemed "restricted" and could not be delivered. I received refunds on both occasions, but the items simply disappear. This is troublesome since they have been 2 rare antiques that I was hoping to restore. I buy and sell antiques, including antique boxes so the items I deal with are often 150-200 years old. It is incredibly disappointing that they can simply stop the shipments without reason. The items that were stopped were wooden boxes with some brass or mother of pearl inlay. Neither of these things are restricted through customs, so I'm not sure why they couldn't be delivered. So a warning to buyers and sellers of antiques that there may be issues with the GSP and if you use it, it comes with risks. 

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Re: Global Shipping Program - Antique Boxes

It’s likely the exports were halted due to the use of certain woods. The Global Shipping Program is not the tool I’d use to import antiques. Repacking alone by harried workers could spell the death of your purchased items.
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Re: Global Shipping Program - Antique Boxes

Community Member

As @momcqueen suggests, the problem isn't that the items were antiques; the problem is likely that Pitney Bowes was unable to determine what sort of wood was used for the boxes.  Similar problems have happened with non-antique guitars.

If the type of wood was not specified in the listing and/or the seller did not include a certificate on its materials, whoever handling it at the Global Shipping Center would have been instructed to err on the side of caution and not export it.  

Having said that, when the GSP was first unleashed on eBay, antiques were a prohibited category.  For whatever reason, Pitney Bowes changed its corporate mind on this.

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Re: Global Shipping Program - Antique Boxes

Could I suggest that you politely contact your sellers and discuss the problem as one antique collector to another?

No blame should be attached to the seller, who was really trying to use a secure system for shipping that also offered him strong Seller Protection.


But the failure of GSP to deal professionally with antiques (the guitar problem is notorious) can be avoided by sellers who use either the very secure (but expensive )Priority Shipping or the very secure (and relatively cheap) (very relatively) First Class International Parcel Service.

At least for Canada.

The seller has to click on Shape and Size and then scroll to the very bottom of the shipping choices to find FCIP. Many do not know about it.


You would be helping the collector community if you pointed it out (politely) to sellers.

The sellers are probably antique lovers too and are just as disappointed as you are.

Sometimes it is not the money.





Politely.-- Captain Malcolm Reynolds.

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Re: Global Shipping Program - Antique Boxes

“You would be helping the collector community if you pointed it out (politely) to sellers.
The sellers are probably antique lovers too and are just as disappointed as you are.
Sometimes it is not the money.”

I’d be devastated if my (antique) item went missing at the GSP hub because it didn’t pass the export test. Sentimental attachment.
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Re: Global Shipping Program - Antique Boxes


      I am fortunate in that i am about 45 minutes from the U.S. border.I use Kinek Delivery Network, and have  my items delivered to this location,they are dotted along the U.S. Canada border. shipping within the U.S. in  general is very low or free to this location .I make one trip a month to pick up my old collectables,no issues crossing.The selection in the U.S is overwhelming and the duties i pay are not very much.I live in Oakville, Ontario.

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