4 days delay to cancel unpaid cases is abusive.

All in the title. 


We all know that if someone don't pay after 1 to 2 days, it will be left unpaid almost all the time. People paying on the 3rd or 4th day represent probably 1%. So this additional 2 days is wasting time to both sellers and eBay. I understand some time is allowed. But this delay should be reduced to 2 days. It would be a way more fair and logical delay.


Why are they allowing an abusive 4 days?


Is anyone ever thought about it on eBay team. Everyone would agree this delay is too long. A buyer do not need 4 days. 




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Re: 4 days delay to cancel unpaid cases is abusive.

@rocketscollectibles wrote:


We all know that if someone don't pay after 1 to 2 days, it will be left unpaid almost all the time.

No, we don't.  You do, and assume everyone else is like you.
We're not.

Like other posters here already answered, there can be numerous reasons why payment isn't done by buyer within 48h.  And they are not necessarily malicious.


People paying on the 3rd or 4th day represent probably 1%.

Please share with us the data used to support your affirmation.
Not only yours, but from every other sellers on eBay, because you don't specify that it's only your own observation based on your own sales...
You can't provide supportive data, because it's not available?  I thought so...
Well, it's only your opinion then.  And a rant.  Which you are proficient in around here, like someone else already stated in a courteous way...
All this ads up to make others people here consider your posts with less importance that you wished you had, even when you are right in pointing out problems.

Message 21 of 22
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Re: 4 days delay to cancel unpaid cases is abusive.

Hello everyone,

This thread has become a bit heated. Please remember that it’s fine to disagree with others, but discussion should always remain courteous and respectful.

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