Are there any problems with mail delivery in Waterloo Ontario, right now?

Hi I sent a CD off on Dec 29 to Waterloo Ontario from Vancouver.  The buyer inquired on Jan 5, where the CD was?   I advised him that he should allow a few more days to the end of this week.  I heard that there were some issues with the weather.  Are there issues?  I asked him to let me know when he receives it but I don't know whether he will or not.



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Re: Are there any problems with mail delivery in Waterloo Ontario, right now?

I don't have any insider information on Canada Post's delivery issues right now, but I expect that things slowed down a lot just before Xmas, when they let all their extra pre-holiday part-time employees go.  This must create a huge bottleneck that takes a while to clear up. 


I bought an item on Dec. 29th from a Vancouver seller (as it happens), and it finally arrived just yesterday.  The envelope was a bit beaten up, but it got here (Nova Scotia).  I'd ask your buyer to give it a few more days if he/she is being reasonable. 

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Re: Are there any problems with mail delivery in Waterloo Ontario, right now?

Ther was 4 days when the post offices were closed, Jan 1st to the 4th. I don't know how this affected the sorting plants but I'm sure it slowed down the mail. It takes me 8 days usually for mail from Bc to reach me in Ont.
Message 3 of 16
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Re: Are there any problems with mail delivery in Waterloo Ontario, right now?

Sorry for the horrible spelling and grammar! Using my iPad, well that's my excuse anyway.
Message 4 of 16
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Re: Are there any problems with mail delivery in Waterloo Ontario, right now?

They seem to be a little impatient. The 5th would have been just the 4th business day...or less if you consider that CP probably didn't work all shifts on Dec 31.

Message 5 of 16
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Re: Are there any problems with mail delivery in Waterloo Ontario, right now?

They should have been open on the 2nd but I'm sure they were backlogged from being closed for those four days the previous week.


I don't keep close track but I'm sure that it takes at least a week from Alberta to Ontario when there are no holidays and a regular amount of mail.

Message 6 of 16
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Re: Are there any problems with mail delivery in Waterloo Ontario, right now?

Politely remind the buyer that the Post Office was closed on January First, January Third and January Fourth. Tell him that you posted it on December 30 (as I suppose you did). Spell it out very very clearly.


Tell him you have noted his concern in your Bring Forward file for Monday January 12 and will be in touch then.


And put him on your Blocked Bidder List. Some sales are not worth having.

Message 7 of 16
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Re: Are there any problems with mail delivery in Waterloo Ontario, right now?

I live close to Waterloo ON, and although it has been very cold, there has been no weather bad enough for delays. I find that mail from here to BC is slow, but it is a long distance, and not surprising, it can often take 14 days for letter mail, expedited is quicker. I tell my buyers that it can take up to 14 days to  BC.

Message 8 of 16
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Re: Are there any problems with mail delivery in Waterloo Ontario, right now?



This is almost the same as your situation...

I just received a small package from Vancouver to near Ottawa, was sent on Dec.28 and i received it today Jan.9.


So your buyer needs to be patient, going across the country and factor in the holidays.


Message 9 of 16
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Re: Are there any problems with mail delivery in Waterloo Ontario, right now?

Thanks for all your comments.  I emailed the buyer today as a followup to see whether he got the CD.  He hasn't responded so I am assuming he did receive it.  


You know I have sent CD's overseas (Germany, Belgium and UK) over the Christmas period and they all got them within a week (5 working days).  2 weeks within Canada is a little slow.   Usually within Canada mail, I find it is pretty fast, this was the only time that it has been slow.  

Message 10 of 16
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Re: Are there any problems with mail delivery in Waterloo Ontario, right now?

@musicyouneed wrote:


You know I have sent CD's overseas (Germany, Belgium and UK) over the Christmas period and they all got them within a week (5 working days).  2 weeks within Canada is a little slow.   Usually within Canada mail, I find it is pretty fast, this was the only time that it has been slow.  

Yes, I agree.  I've often sent things that got to Europe faster than to Ontario -- perhaps volume has something to do with it, I have no idea.  


The period through Xmas and New Year's is predictably extra-slow, every year, partly because of all the statutory holidays and probably partly because, as I said earlier, I suspect all those extra hands hired to handle pre-Xmas mail are gone by the week prior to Xmas.  


At that time of year I always let my buyers know in advance that they can expect at least 10 business days (and I remind them that there are 5 or 6 non-business days between Dec. 24th and Jan. 7th which slow things up considerably).  


Hopefully this will turn out well for you!

Message 11 of 16
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Re: Are there any problems with mail delivery in Waterloo Ontario, right now?

Update, just got a call from paypal with the buyer on the end of the phone.  The buyer stated that he still hasn't received his CD.  I mailed it out on Dec 29 from Vancouver to Waterloo Ontario.  It is already the 13th of Jan.  She connected the two of us and he stated that it should have come by now, I agree.  I told him to check with the PO and wait until the end of the week.  I told him that if it didn't arrive by Friday, I would refund him.  


I checked all the other packages that were sent out on the same day and none of those buyers have left feedback for anyone in over a year, so no help there.


What do you think?

Message 12 of 16
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Re: Are there any problems with mail delivery in Waterloo Ontario, right now?

Have you confirmed that the address was correct?


Message 13 of 16
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Re: Are there any problems with mail delivery in Waterloo Ontario, right now?

Yes, I check both ebay and paypal for the address.

Message 14 of 16
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Re: Are there any problems with mail delivery in Waterloo Ontario, right now?

I meant did you confirm with the buyer that it was correct? I've had two packages returned because they hadn't changed their address/.

Message 15 of 16
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Re: Are there any problems with mail delivery in Waterloo Ontario, right now?

Yes, I read off his address while on the 3 way call with him.   I also checked it on Canada 411 reverse search.  The address is correct.

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