Can we go back to previous listing format?

Tried the new listing interface for the first time. It took me over 5 minutes to edit 2-3 things. It's so laggy i could not even save the listing

Even firefox suggest me to close eBay:

Capture d’écran 2022-10-06 202549.png

''This page slowing down firefox. To speed up your browser, stop this page''

What the heck

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Re: Can we go back to previous listing format?

apparently once we are "engaged and married" to this new listing format there is no "annulment" just  "separation" and "divorce" from eBay ,otherwise we are stuck with it "for life".... hence I am moving all my item listings to my other 2 selling sites which give me much less aggravation..I am getting too old to continue trying to work with all this ridiculous eBay **bleep** ...any listings on eBay will be selective and minimal.. ....

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Re: Can we go back to previous listing format?

I'm i alone to have lag when editing?

I had drafts to complete i'm trying to add pictures and it takes 5-10 secs to load between each picture

Like they literally just broke the website for me. I won't be able to list anymore on eBay if it stay like that. It will take me 1 hour to do work i used to do in 5 minutes. Won't be viable anymore. I just don't understand what the heck they did there

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Re: Can we go back to previous listing format?

Now i just tried to edit a draft and:

Capture d’écran 2022-10-07 165635.png

Indeed extremely embarrassing!

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