I'm sure my story is not unique. I have read many stories of people having the Seller part of their account suspended for no good reason. The reason I was given is I didn't sell enough. I stopped selling due to aging parent care etc. way before 2010. So when I tried to reopen my Seller acct.  a few weeks ago, I got the humming, crickets, false hope...you name it. How can a Seller sell enough to satisfy them if one is blocked from SELLING? I finally gave up. My HUGE beef is all these fraudster who are allowed to sell those blue tomato seeds..etc. I'm sure you're all aware of the listings. As an avid plant lover, orchids included, I know a lot about plants and their seeds. I see THOUSANDS of listing for flowers and colors that don't exist in Nature. Blue Clivia seeds 200 for $1.00 should be $5000.00 for one because it would be a rare miracle. I have called eBay twice and reported this **bleep**. eBay doesn't suspend them or care in the least. Total moral deterioration. Fraudsters can sell any seeds because most gardeners don't know what seeds are supposed to look like. Just tonight I came across 20 fraudulent listings for Clivias. Only mistake all the Chinese Sellers have the same picture of black little seeds. Clivia seeds looks like chick peas. I am totally disgusted with eBay allowing this stuff knowingly and I get a suspended Seller acct. I'm good with that because I'll sell on another site. I feel someone needs to clean up eBay YESTERDAY. Its embarrassing. Fuchsia cucumbers...seriously....  

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As far as I know there is no such thing as not being allowed to sell because you didn’t sell enough.  What happened when you tried to list and how do you know that you aren’t allowed to sell here?  Were there problems with your account before you stopped selling here the past?

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Ebay doesn't ever prohibit new members from selling, as seller recruitment is one of their never-ceasing goals. What happened to your account to lock it when you came back? Did you forget your password? If ebay halted that activity, they were trying to do you a favour since many accounts with fraudulent listing are hijacked lapsed accounts like yours.


Did you call Customer Service to ask?

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There were a lot of negative and neutral FB on the Seller account, with combatative Responses.

Since only buyers who don't file Disputes can leave FB, at a guess there may be a lot of Defects on the original selling account.


OP- Use those complaints to change your shipping and selling practices.

If including the box raises the shipping cost, the buyer is paying for shipping. Include the box.

And don't call customers liars, no matter what your opinion.

The only ones who read FB are the customer, who doesn't care, and potential customers who are suddenly hitting the back button.


You could consider this ID poisoned and start a new clean selling only ID.

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The op's first post suggests that ebay won't let her sell. If that's the case she can't sell under another id.

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