Questions about the Global Shipping Program

Do you have questions about the Global Shipping Program? Please post here & I'll do my best to track those answers down for you!


If you have any comments about the program, use this forum instead.



~Kalvin Community Manager

Message 5 of 3,104
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Two Disputes in Resolution Center re: shipping & GSP

"Isn't the charge to Pitney Bowes the Import Charges ???"


Not necessarily.


The seller had to ship to Pitney Bowes - There was a charge for that paid by the seller.


Then Pitney Bowes had to ship to you.  There was a cost to Pitney-Bowes for that.


In this case, being below Cdn$ 20.00, there was no tax payable so there is no "import charge".

Message 341 of 3,104
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Two Disputes in Resolution Center re: shipping & GSP

Community Member

I recently opened a paypal resolution case because a package I ordered had not arrived in the estimated delivery window (and then some). I had bought the package with the global shipping program. I wasn't sure whether the package had been shipped because no tracking number was included on my eBay sale. After finally getting in touch with the seller, it turns out she shipped the package herself and didn't use the GPS. 


Paypal automatically opened two disputes: one with the seller, and one with the GSP - Pitney Bowes. Now I have 2 disputes open on my paypal account. The package has arrived, so I would like to close the one with the seller but still recover the shipping and import fees paid to Pitney Bowes (because the seller was willing to ship as part of her cost).


My question is this - if I close the dispute with the seller, with the second dispute with Pitney Bowes remain open (which I would like it to)? The Pitney Bowes dispute is currently 'being reviewed by paypal', so I'm not sure I can even post a comment to that dispute anymore.

Thank you in advance.

Message 342 of 3,104
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Two Disputes in Resolution Center re: shipping & GSP

What does Pitney Bowes charge the seller for then ? printing postage ?

Message 343 of 3,104
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Two Disputes in Resolution Center re: shipping & GSP

"She doesn't seem to really understand Global Shipping and how it works to begin with."


Yes, that is pretty obvious.


eBay does NOT recommend sellers use GSP for items worth less than $50 on average.  Yet, that seller, like so many American sellers, ignored the advise from eBay and use a system (GSP) not meant for low value items.


I do not mean to blame the seller but the problem and extra expenses could have been avoided if the seller had been properly informed of how GSP works and when not to use it.



Message 344 of 3,104
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Two Disputes in Resolution Center re: shipping & GSP

I doubt that you'd be able to "partially close" the claim in the manner you're describing.


If there's no online viewable evidence (i.e. tracking information that shows) that you've received your item, the best thing I can suggest is that you let the claim run its course and then pay the seller again once you've received your full refund through PayPal.


Have you advised the seller that the item's arrived?

Message 345 of 3,104
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Two Disputes in Resolution Center re: shipping & GSP

I have let the seller know the pkg has arrived, I just don't want to shoot myself in the foot by closing the one and having the other automatically close too. Thanks for your suggestion.

Message 346 of 3,104
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Two Disputes in Resolution Center re: shipping & GSP

Gah! AGAIN today the tracker claims a "delivery attempt" and AGAIN I have been home and no knock/ring and no notice left. Also it claims the attempt was made at 17:45, and it's only 17:00 local time here. So what time zone are they using??


If I can't contact this mystery shipper I have no chance of getting my package. 

Message 347 of 3,104
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Two Disputes in Resolution Center re: shipping & GSP

"the tracker claims a "delivery attempt""


Whose tracker is that?  Canada Post?


If so, call Canada Post and ask them why their system claims an attempt was made when none were actually made.

Message 348 of 3,104
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Two Disputes in Resolution Center re: shipping & GSP

It is the tracker on ebay when I go to my bought items.


I have no idea who the actual delivery company is (If I knew it was Canada Post, or UPS, or CanPar etc and I had an actual tracking number, instead of this "UPAAB" number which means nothing to anyone except ebay, I would of course contact that company).

Message 349 of 3,104
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Two Disputes in Resolution Center re: shipping & GSP

Are you sure the address you used for this sale is the one that the seller used?

Message 350 of 3,104
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Two Disputes in Resolution Center re: shipping & GSP

Yes I double checked with the seller.

Message 351 of 3,104
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Two Disputes in Resolution Center re: shipping & GSP

After some google-fu I determined that Canpar had my package based on the postal code that come up under 'delivery attempt' on the eBay tracker.


I called them and they were able to look it up by the address and it said that the delivery attempts had failed because there was no apt number (I live in a single story house). They are going to send it back out tomorrow, here's fingers crossed!!

Message 352 of 3,104
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Two Disputes in Resolution Center re: shipping & GSP

@mags_finds wrote:


So, my question is, is it possible that a seller has no idea what the global shipping charges will be, and is it possible that the charges are being included in her shipping cost and not showing where the global shipping charge should be on the listing ?


For a US$14.99 tunic, there are no taxes or duties due on it.  There will be a small amount due in import/export processing charges which will be added to the shipping charge rather than show up as a separate line item for "import charges".  (It seems that some Canadian buyers didn't understand why a non-taxable item would still have import charges, so the processing fees were moved into the shipping charge for very modestly valued items.)

Of that $18.00 shipping charge you paid, $4.05 of it will go to the seller as that's how much they'd charge to ship the item to a domestic address in the same ZIP code as the Global Shipping Centre in Kentucky, about $4 will likely go towards those import/export processing charges, and the rest of the charge will go towards shipping the item from Kentucky to you, eBay's "referral fee" and other bits and bobs.


And you're right, normally the seller won't get any sort of sense of what the GSP charges are to their buyer unless they view their listing page with the shipping location set to a GSP country such as Canada or France.

For what it's worth, some sellers ship clothing items in USPS Priority padded flat-rate envelopes and they're a bit more expensive than the $18.00 you were charged.


@mags_finds wrote:


Items shipped from the US to Canada do not qualify for the 100% guarentee from eBay and I would have to file a dispute through Paypal.  I do not want to hurt this seller.  She doesn't seem to really understand Global Shipping and how it works to begin with.


What is the "100% guarantee from eBay" and how would you be hurting the seller by filing a dispute/claim?



Message 353 of 3,104
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Two Disputes in Resolution Center re: shipping & GSP

What does Pitney Bowes charge the seller for then ? printing postage ?



If they were just printing a label and doing nothing else, the parcel would stay in Kentucky. Someone moves the parcel. And someone gets paid for moving it.

And that is what PB is charging for, whether they do it with their own employees or sub-contracting the work to USPS or UPS or DHL.

Message 354 of 3,104
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Two Disputes in Resolution Center re: shipping & GSP

@femmefan1946 wrote:

What does Pitney Bowes charge the seller for then ? printing postage ?



If they were just printing a label and doing nothing else, the parcel would stay in Kentucky. Someone moves the parcel. And someone gets paid for moving it.

And that is what PB is charging for, whether they do it with their own employees or sub-contracting the work to USPS or UPS or DHL.

Not with the magic flying unicorns that Pitney Bowes hired last year. Now all of their shipments arrive at supernatural speed without doing a thing!

Message 355 of 3,104
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Two Disputes in Resolution Center re: shipping & GSP

I am considering buying a camera and lens on ebay. The listing indicates the cost plus the freight and import charges. It indicates no additional payments are required. Does the import charges include the Canadian sales tax?

Message 356 of 3,104
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Two Disputes in Resolution Center re: shipping & GSP

@hemi47carguy wrote:

I am considering buying a camera and lens on ebay. The listing indicates the cost plus the freight and import charges. It indicates no additional payments are required. Does the import charges include the Canadian sales tax?


Message 357 of 3,104
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Two Disputes in Resolution Center re: shipping & GSP

Community Member



I will not make any purchase with GLOBAL SHIPPING....

Message 358 of 3,104
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Two Disputes in Resolution Center re: shipping & GSP

Smiley LOLCanada Post reply to that is always they tried despite them not doing so ,


The real answer to why they claim an attempt to deliver is  " Its easier to leave a notice card then to really try to deliver the package , and were just to dam lazy to do our job.


I had this problem many times , And I found that Canada post workers are Over paid lazy C**** union workers , Well that's what we get for allowing workers in the service industry to have unions .  They want more money more benefits but want to work less , despite us being in a recession.

Message 359 of 3,104
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Two Disputes in Resolution Center re: shipping & GSP

Best way to get around Sales and duty tax is to have the seller Change from Global mailing system to just normal shipping , Then Mark the item as a gift . 


If the seller isn't willing to do that then find a seller that will  .



Message 360 of 3,104
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