BEST buyer in the world!

I have to share my story! 


We're moving two provinces away in the new year and plan on taking nothing with us, other than our keepsakes and some other important things. 


I thought I was done selling on eBay forever.  I've been happily donating our stuff but came across a small amount that I didn't feel comfortable donating since I knew someone out there would be happy with it.   I figured, why not "donate" them on eBay?  So, I listed the items at extremely low prices.  


One of the items I sold was an old  Space Turbo video game.  Not cheap to buy on here and this one even had the box.   I had paid 5.00 for it at a yard sale.  I ridiculously underestimated the shipping cost.  It was not the approx. 15.00 dollars that I had assumed, it was 26.00 to ship!  I had only charged the buyer 14.50 for shipping. 


I thought, no big deal.  I've made a toonie, good enough!  (Not really though, cause I still had to pay fees) lol  It would have hit the donate bin anyway. 


Next thing you know...I get a message from my Space Turbo buyer.  The game doesn't make some of the sounds it should.  I felt so bad.  The buyer was wonderful in his message to me.  I suggested that he could send it back for a full return.  I really just wished I could have given his money back and let him keep the product but If I had, I would have been paying him to take the game.   I explained all this to him and waited for his reply. 


He was VERY understanding and said he'd like to keep the item.   This situation could only have gone one of two ways.  Either good or bad.  I feel very blessed to have had a buyer like this.  Especially because it is my last time selling on eBay. 


I wish all of you good luck in the future with nothing but buyers like the one I just had! 






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Re: BEST buyer in the world!

that a good deal for both of you, ebay badly need buyers like this... and sellers like you !!!Man Wink
Thanks dandy...
And good luck to you !

Message 2 of 8
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Re: BEST buyer in the world!

Thanks Rock!  Smiley Happy

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Re: BEST buyer in the world!

Vast majority of buyers are like this. The horror stories are mostly just stories, and created ones at that. People doing things wrong and then it spins out of control.


I do not get a lot of concerns, but, when I do, I just try to help the customer. This floors them as all they hear are horror stories as well. They have been conditioned by these stories that they will get screwed over.


Then we try to make it right, any way possible, and they are flabbergasted. Sellers that try to help?


I have had, not in a long time now, come to think of it, a few screaming emails when something has gone wrong. I reply politely asking how I can help make it right. Takes the tension level down from screaming to friendly conversation.


Customers hear "The squeaky wheel gets the grease" "The louder you scream the more you get". Um? No? When you treat them nicely, they don't know what to do.


I like treating people nicely. They don't know what to do. Takes all the anger out of them.


About ten years ago a nice lady comes into my liquor store with a bottle of Baileys that had gone solid. The stuff has real cream and will go bad. Bottle does not say it, customers really don't know it. She has worked up her courage for a fight.


She tells me it went bad, on it's own. I explain the cream part and don't buy it if yer not gonna finish it. She says it does not say that anywhere. She then hauls out a line that I have kept for myself. I use this line. She say "As a customer, what did I do wrong?".


Best line I had heard in 35 years.


I replied "You did not do anything wrong. I will refund your money or replace the product, what ever you like". This, for a product, the LC has stated is non-returnable. I completely took the wind out of her sails.


She says "Does this mean I can't be mad at the LC any more?".


"That has nothing to do with me. I am giving you your money back. You can do what ever you like."


A bridge that was burnt was repaired.

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Re: BEST buyer in the world!

I think I had a buyer that even beat these. About 3 years ago our much loved Ragdoll cat died. I guess I was distracted and accidentally sent two books to the wrong buyers. The first was very kind and immediately mailed hers off to the correct buyer. I wrote to that buyer and explained that she would be receiving the wrong book, but that the other buyer had mailed hers to her.


She too was very understanding and said she would to the same with the book when she got it. I refunded both of course. Well the second buyer send a couple of nice messages, and I explained about my cat, and she said she loved cats and asked me to email her a picture. Well, a few weeks later, a beautiful color drawing of my cat arrived, a large picture that now hangs on my wall. I was so touched and wrote to thank her so much. She explained that she was an artist, and after 911, she offered to do drawing to anyone who had lost loved ones there for free. She said I think it was 6 days a week for 2 years that she worked on them.


She sells lovely pictures of animals on eBay, I can't put her link of course, but every time I look at that picture, I remember the wonderful kindness of that lady, whose transaction I messed up!

Message 5 of 8
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Re: BEST buyer in the world!

What a wonderful story! You should be able to list one of her item numbers here as I see them do that on the U.S. boards. If not, could you please message me with her id...I have been thinking of getting a drawing of my dog.

Message 6 of 8
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Re: BEST buyer in the world!

She is a very talented artist and a generous person. 111471834343

Message 7 of 8
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Re: BEST buyer in the world!

Thank you, I really do like the artwork that she has listed.  Smiley Happy

She doesn't ship to Canada though which might be a problem.

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