Losing Top Rated status

I woke up this morning to find that I was losing my top rated status because of a high defect rate.  Apparently I cancelled 7 transactions seeing as I was out of stock.  Well, I am never out of stock as I sell one off items.  Once an item sells, it disappears from my listings.  I went back in time to find that I had actually shipped the items in question on April 6th.  Obviously some kind of glitch or mistake on eBays part.  Anyone else run into this? Thanks and have a great day!

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Re: Losing Top Rated status

Community Member

Sounds like a good one to phone in about as it sure is glitchy. 

Message 2 of 12
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Re: Losing Top Rated status



I got the warning for losing top rated last month for USA sales. Something that is difficult as a seller to control. I have been on the bubble of 100 required transactions for the last 3 months. This morning woke up to a 1 month extension. That 10 % is not early retirement money but every cent helps when you are pinching pennies because of a sudden off the cliff drop in sales.


As per @byto253  I would call in. It never hurts to ask.  Best of luck.



Message 3 of 12
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Re: Losing Top Rated status

The phone reps are .... nice people and like to agree with you.

But they don't have much authority.


You may have more luck with :


Message 4 of 12
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Re: Losing Top Rated status

I got an email this morning saying I now qualified for top status on Ebay.Com... which had me laughing as I'm NOT switching to managed payments and will be ending ebay sales once they get their **bleep** together and stop auto-renewing my 30 day fixed price listings (which was still happening as of a hour ago when I last checked).  I looked at my account status on the seller dashboard and it boggles the mind how I got top seller status given the defects, late shipments, late tracking update #s, etc. Its also the first time I've hit top seller rating in several years and I don't think its a coincidence that its also since I've ignored many threats of ended listings over the managed payments emails.

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Re: Losing Top Rated status



Hi, I just mailed 5 items today and already had a message from a buyer saying they had received an email saying their item was out of stock. Has to be an eBay glitch! I sell items that I usually only have one of so never have an out of stock. Just not possible.


Please post and let us know what you find out. I will be calling eBay about this tomorrow too.

Does anyone know how to tag tyler about this?

Message 6 of 12
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Re: Losing Top Rated status

@msmaggie060 wrote:


Does anyone know how to tag tyler about this?

Maybe a few people.  😉






EDIT:  Oops, just saw you started another thread about this.  

Message 7 of 12
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Re: Losing Top Rated status

and stop auto-renewing my 30 day fixed price listings (which was still happening as of a hour ago when I last checked).


You do know you can manually end your GTC listings at any time?

I had one of my Stores on Time Away (the re-named Vacation) while some information got straightened out but I also considered just closing all my listings and leaving them on my Unsold List as an option.

From Unsold you can relist or let them disappear around the 90 day mark.

Message 8 of 12
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Re: Losing Top Rated status

The listings are paid for already as I have a store subscription and i'm not going to bother ending 229 listings manually unless i've sold the item elsewere as I cannot modify existing listings (to change a multiple quantity item for example). Let ebay do the work they keep threatening they're going to do. Once the listings are gone the subscription will be cancelled and ebay's days of earning money from my sales will come to an end.

Message 9 of 12
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Re: Losing Top Rated status

i too lost my top-rated status but not because of a glitch but 7 months ago i got cov-19 and was deathly sick for three weeks only in the hospital for three days thank heavens but still i was disoriented for  a couple of weeks

i had to cancel orders then only 7 (and i explained why i canceled to each one--  most of them came back when i was up and going again))  as i was not allowed to leave my house to get my stock from locker and ship  them i did not  know as a newbie then about these vacation settings  - now i do and have used it couple of times now --plus some of my stock was at my house and could be shipped but most of the stock was  in a locker-- and they the locker site people had closed down due to the cov-19 in feb -- till they reopened about three weeks later with new procesures  and by then everything was ok with me --at that time still had my top rated staus and used promo listings quaite heavly  5% to 8% on weekedays when things went slow -- then about a 1-1/2 months later i get notified my defect rate was over 3 % and no longer allowed to use promo listings -- well its august now and the defect rate has gone done to less than 3 only barely - but still i don't quailify --after many phone calls asking what to do--- i got one only anwser ---sell more only way to fix -- well thats seems to a contrite answer --so i reduced everthing -did not increase sales at all

 so i listed more  items doubling my listings in two months thinking maybe that would help

but because my sales have slowed up as everyone else has here it made no difference -- just recently went over 2800 listings -- sales still slow but i get about 4 a week avg -- only thing good about this is i saved a lot of fees money from no promo listings -- but they did help--- so its a win-lose-lose thing- because my listings are never to be found  without promo listings- even when they are the best deal on the internet let alone eBay   and only the most avid shopper can find them -- thank god for them--- i trudge on---

there is no question here just a warning don't don't ever cancel anything  cause once you lose it you don't get it back --------4 months of work it went down from 3.2% to 2.8 %-- seems like it will take me about two years to get it back -- my fault i understand  for not knowing about vacation mode  and iam paying the price --  but fair no way --- 

doker bohm

Message 10 of 12
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Re: Losing Top Rated status

Reducing prices doesn't increase sales.  I will die on that hill.

Can you still use Best Offer? That does appear to work and you can set parameters for automatic acceptance or refusal of a BO. I have found after years of stubbornly ignoring it, that it does seem to work.

More listings does help a bit, more sales certainly does if only because that increases your visibility in Search..


Vacation mode is a godsend for sellers at all levels.  What a tragedy you did not know about it.


I'm not sure what the demands are to regain Top Rated Seller status. The slightly lower FVF and the quarterly coupon  for branded shipping supplies are the only reasons I worry about it.

Message 11 of 12
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Re: Losing Top Rated status

Just an aside.  I did lose my top rated status in the usa due to the seven defects that never occured. I complained, questioned and even cajoled but to no effect.  I have survived, despite all. What is coming next?

Message 12 of 12
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