User Activity

sales have increased in the last three weeks to now regular norms for me from the xmas time 2 months in row where sales were non existant and cost me greatly in pain and suffering- i have not caught up yet from those really bad times but i am getting...
never had this happened before --- several customers ordered items then i get a notice that they ordered the items but they have not payed -- how can this happen when i order something before i can finish the order i have to pay for it -- so i get th...
couple years ago i tried selling to the states and it was a hit and miss operation with about 30 % of my sales going sour here and on etsy - the headaches were such that i just enough is enough - so i just started selling to canadians only -- yes my ...
i have two items that have not been deliveried since the stike ended one from nov and one from early dec -- both customers now have been very patient but now want their money back -- i can see that -- but what about ebay that always dings me every ti...
since the postal workers have gone back to work my sales have almost non existant -- mnay reason i guess -one - usualy at this time of year my sales are slow about half the sales -jan bad month for my products -two - xmas season is very slow for my p...