sales have increased for me since tariffs put in not a great amount but enough to notice

sales have increased in the last three weeks to now regular norms for me from the xmas time 2 months in row  where sales were non existant and cost me greatly  in pain and suffering- i have not  caught  up yet from those really bad times but i am getting close  maybe even this month if things go the way  they are -- i should be almost even by month's end -- so i say this just because i usally belly ache about  this and that here all the time-- so when things are going better- i have to be honest and acknowledge it still have issues of course with ebay -- but i am getting more hits than before and better sales  at least , less profit  on each sales most times noe just  break even  but better than before -- so touch wood so to speak - maybe i can buy myself a case of beer  at the end of the month once bills are paid ---- good luck all hang in there things will come around they always do - its just a time wait thing 

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