this is were i am glad i don't sell to Americans

couple years ago i tried selling to the states and it was a hit and miss operation with about 30 % of my sales going sour here and on etsy - the headaches were such that i just enough is enough - so i just started selling to canadians only -- yes my sales are limited but then so are my sales going sour and less headaches  -canadians are just more understanding when it comes to online sales  and are more knowledgable about the products i sell - so after many heckles from other sellers here and   constant advice about selling to the states --- i feel a little vindicated -- plus well i see  it as more  of canadian  run up the flag sort of thing too -- and god knows our amercian cousins do that better than anyone else 

since i have gone back to my original way of doing things sales have come around a bit ---bottom line is i am still trying to catch up on lost sales there by going in the hole for covering costs  because of the strike but maybe things will turn around  this month and i will  get caught up maybe 25 % of those lost sales and dig myself out of this hole  i am presently in ---- i am hoping that  gov't rebate checks  we got will help things too as most  store merchants i talk to are seeing major increases in store traffic and sales this last two weeks-- maybe a little trickle down effect will happen with us online sellers too    

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Re: this is were i am glad i don't sell to Americans

Which  USPS ISC  did your  item's  move  through  when you did ship  to the U.S.  ? I'm ask  because  The Chicago IL . USPS ISC  has been a problem  for   sellers &  buyers   in   Calgary  ,Onteriro  Canada  and for U.S.  buyers  and  sellers  also   with lost  and Unxplained  delays .   The  Los Angols  CA.  LAX   USPS  ISC  has started  to be problem also  for delay issues .   I would not blame  U.S. Buyers  for  USPS  losing or delay  your  shippments.    

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Re: this is were i am glad i don't sell to Americans

Community Member

My experience selling to Americans is the exact opposite.   I shipped over 300 items to the US last year with no hitches at all.  My interactions with the buyers have been as positive with folks on both sides of the borders.


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Re: this is were i am glad i don't sell to Americans

well good luck to you sellers to americans - if you have no problems that is  great -i did many times and the headaches where such it wasn't worth the effort -- especially etsy which for past sales still owes me over 130 dollars  can and won't pay - but thats another story --  i used regular expedited post  sometimes regestered post for all my sales to the states -- but the main problems where the customers themselves - scammers and people whom just din't know what they where buying again it was a learning lesson i learned - less sales yes to canadians but less problems and more friendly cunstomers -- who understand what and how good a deal they where gettng on the products i sell with free  or almost free shipping  it always nice to get compliments  after the sale and the items and how fast they got the item etc  and they usally post to ebay about these expeienses - the americans never did  but then each to his/her /them own - 

i have problems you have problems the only comman factor is ebay 

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Re: this is were i am glad i don't sell to Americans

Community Member

Sorry for your experience, most sellers sell and ship to the US without more problems than anywhere else.    I do see folks get zinged with shipping times that are not generous enough for delivery.

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Re: this is were i am glad i don't sell to Americans

 You have not  answered  if you your issue is with the Chicago  IL .  ISC. USPS  Sorting hub  ?   I would not say all buyers are scammer's  also eBay doesn't help their sellers  when their  cell phone amp  cut's a lot  of item details  off in the item listing details.   I have been on ebay since  1996  with my other  ID   and seen just about it all .I agree ebay has both problem buyers and sellers .  

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