How to buy an item with the eBay global shipping program. Same seller I received last item from.

I purchased an item from a seller and they said they shipped it using the global shipping program ( I am unaware how that got set up).
Now I am trying to purchase a similar item from the same seller but it shows that cannot ship to my address in Canada.
Contacted the seller to see why and they do not have an answer for me and do not know how to assist me in purchasing the item.

I go on to complete my order and no luck. Can anyone help me purchase an item using the global shipping program ?

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Answers (2)

Do the sellers other items show shipping to Canada through the gsp?  If so, it's possible that the gsp does not ship that particular item here or that the gsp accidentally got dropped off of that listing....that does happen.  No one can help you it is the first problem.  

If it is the second problem, ask the seller if they will go into that particular listing to make sure that it is set up with the gsp.  Unfortunately, some sellers may not know how to do that and/or they are just not good at troubleshooting.  If they are unable  to help you make the purchase, you might have to find another seller

It's a Seller Protection program for US and UK sellers who are terrified of shipping outside the USA (and often outside the lower 48 states).

Basically if you buy from Canada, you are billed normally, but your shipping seems abnormally high because it included "import fees" to cover Canadian duty*, taxes**, and a small service charge****.

The seller ships to the GSP plant in Erlanger KY and his responsibility for delivery ends there.

The Money Back Guarantee is still in play for items Not As Described.


Some claim this slows down delivery.

The package is handed off to a Canadian carrier, some are better than others. (Best is Canada Post).


You can follow the path of your purchase after KY using 


Now I am trying to purchase a similar item from the same seller but it shows that cannot ship to my address in Canada.

Some sellers were co-opted into the GSP early on and only realized it years later when they got an international sale with an address in KY.

He may have the GSP on only a few of his listings. He may have, after learning he was co-opted revised all his other listings to omit it.

Because the sellers were co-opted and because the GSP appeals to xenophobic and paranoid sellers, they can be difficult to deal with.

You can ask him if he would ship to you, since you had a successful transaction before. Let him know that USPS First Class International shipping included Confirmation of Delivery for Canada.

And that the shipping label will automatically include the information Canada Customs needs. (type of product and value, basically) without effort on his part.

When the purchase arrives, Canada Post will charge you any duty or sales tax (see below) plus a $9.95 service charge.





*for value over $150

**for value over $40

** ~$5 USD