does Ebay have a verification process for bids over $15,000.

Community Member

I am looking at motor homes and have been told that e-bay does a verification for bids over $15,000.

What do I need to do.

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Oops, I must have been typing when heidilynn posted.  Thanks for the info, I don't remember every reading about that before.

I'm not familiar with anything like that.

Are you looking at motorhomes on ebay or did you find one on another site and the seller told you about a verification process?

If the vehicle is on another site, the seller is positively trying to scam you as ebay does not get involved in items that are not sold on ebay. If that's the case, break off communication with the seller and report them to the original site where you found the motorhome.

Here is some information on such scams


Hi .. must add a credit card..