Listing will not calculate shipping costs to the USA

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Hi there, I recently listed some books for sale and the listings seem to have trouble calculating the shipping price to the States. I am located in Canada and I have selected the USA under the international shipping option. 


When a postal code from the USA is entered to try and calculate the shipping an error shows up "please enter a valid postal code".  


I lost out on one sale because of this. I am fiddled around with the shipping options but haven't been able to solve it yet. Please help me sort this out. Thank you. 

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You have about a dozen listings without a US shipping cost.

As the previous mentioned there are minimum dimensions for each service and if either of the dimensions are smaller, the calculator won't work. mentioned you were using international probably know this but it has to be a specific USA service, not just an international one.

What shipping options have you tried?


Canada Post Small Packet USA -- max weight of 2 kg, minimum size 14 x 9 cm

Canada Post Tracked Packet USA -- max weight of 2 kg, minimum size 14 x 9 cm

Canada Post Expedited Parcel USA  -- minimum size 21 x 14 cm



You could also try using a Flat Rate for shipping to the USA.

Check here to see if rates will change by destination:

 and if they do, decide if you are able to make an average that is too low for some destinations and too high for others.



I tried that Tyndale commentary as 90210 and had no problem but then got the reported problem on the Expositor's Bible Commentary.


So whatever you did for Tynedale seems to be okay.


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