on 01-19-2019 04:03 PM
I'm new to Ebay. When I choose my shipping option for economy shipping, is the price I enter only for shipping within Canada?
If I don't enter additional USA or international shipping details, does that mean I won't have to ship my product outside of Canada?
I'm trying to keep it simple for my first sale. Any help is appreciated.
shipping option for economy shipping, is the price I enter only for shipping within Canada?
You may find it easier to use the Advanced Sell Your Item form, which offers more precision. (And really isn't any more difficult.)
Under Shipping Options you should see Domestic Shipping and International Shipping.
You want Domestic Shipping for Canada
You can choose Flat Rate or Calculated Shipping.
Flat Rate is fine if your item can go LetterMail and is under 500 grams*or 2cm thick.
Weigh your item with packaging. Rates change on a gram.
Choose LetterMail if your item fits those criteria.
Choose Economy Shipping (which is Canada Post) if you really really really want to use parcel rates.
But you don't.
Because parcel rates vary with destination as well as weight and dimensions.
Bookmark this.
Useful postal codes: K1A 0A6/ V8R 5G8/ A1A0A4 (ON/BC/NL)
Play with this a bit.
See how the rates change with different destinations?
You really want Calculated Shipping.
Regular Parcel is tracked and usually is cheapest.
If I don't enter additional USA or international shipping details, does that mean I won't have to ship my product outside of Canada?
Basically yes, but under International Shipping do use the dropdown menu to state No International Shipping.
If you feel strongly about not shipping overseas you can also click on Exclude Shipping Locations and choose to exclude a country or even entire continents.
**Use only metric. Canada Post went metric in 1974 and everything else will be guesswork.
Also we get small discounts by buying online postage.
You need a Small Business Solutions number, which is available at the PO counter or on the website above somewhere.
It can't be used for lettermail.
And you can buy discount mint postage on eBay. But I couldn't possibly say from whom.
If you don't already have a digital scale, I recommend the Starfrit kitchen scale available from Canadian Tire which weighs up to five kilos and costs under $20.
And a fabric tape measure., again metric.
Shipping is the hardest part of selling online.
There is a current Tips for New Sellers thread posted by tyler@ebay, the poor sod eBay has assigned to answer our panicked questions that is well worth reading.
Also @zee_chan has posted the current Canada Post rates in a useful chart.