Order never showed estimated delivery date

I purchased 2 dresses on Ebay in Feb 08  but the orders never showed an estimated delivery date, then today April 10 I opened my Ebay account to contact the seller and Ebay informed me that my estimated delivery date was March 10 and that the Money Back Guarantee was not covered for those purchases anymore? The message was showing NO ESTIMATE AVAILABLE!!! How can I have this resolved?

Accepted Solutions (2)

Accepted Solutions (2)

For the future, if there is no estimated delivery date, you can open a claim 7 days after the purchase for a domestic purchase and 30 after the purchase for an international purchase. The available claim time would close 30 days after those times.

Since you paid with a credit card, go to your credit card and call the 1-800 number on the back.

Ask about a chargeback.

The clerk will need the date of purchase, transaction number, and currency, perhaps some other information. Have it handy to help her refund you.


In future, it has been my experience in over 30 years in mail order,  that North American purchases take about 20 days and overseas shipments about 30 days.

If you try to open an eBay Dispute 'early' you will be given the date when the Dispute will be possible

Using Paypal for online purchases gives you 180 days from payment to dispute and solve problems. Paypal also anonymizes* your financial information so the seller never sees it.

If the purchase does turn up after you have been refunded by your card, you can return the refund by signing up for PP, and using their Send Money service.




*Your credit card purchase on eBay was actually processed by PP, so the scammer seller did not see your card information.


Answers (1)

Answers (1)

Did you pay with PayPal?

Open an Item-Not-Received claim there. Coverage is 180 days from purchase date.



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