Rant on Late shipments and lack of seller protection

When the world blew up with Covid I thought Ebay took the right steps to protect sellers with late shipments. Fast forward to October and we all received a message that the for mention protection was no more. Carriers were all caught up and delivery times were now back to normal rejoice rejoice... NOTHING FARTHER THAN THE TRUTH


I being in Canada and use Canada Post for shipping, usually letter mail due to the items I sell (hockey cards). My average postal charge for a few cards is usually $1.94 plus GST so I normally buy lots of booklets of stamps in advance so that I am not standing in line at the post office with other people unnecessarily. Trying to do my part in STAYING SAFE and STOPPING THE SPREAD.


So why the RANT... well I sold something recently, packaged and posted well within my 2 day handling time, dropped it off to the postal box as I always do. Well the buyer received it a day later than EBAYs approximate delivery window and the buyer clicked the dreaded button that it was received late.  I get a defect on my account


So I reach out to Ebay and say Hey this is not right... Canada Post is still saying that there are long delays on their website due to safety protocols, increased packages and mail, COVID, COVID, COVID....


They (Ebay) check the Canada Post website and say to me Yes you are right. Sorry about that let us fix that defect, do you have any proof you shipped it by Canada Post.  I explained everything and no they will not believe me. Nope not a thing they can do. How do they think it got to the person the next province over. GIVE ME A BREAK


What is the important takeaway. well I surmise that Ebay cares more about the buyers than the sellers even though we pay huge fees for the privilege to sell our stuff on Ebay. Do they realize the current state of the world. 

Yours truly

One **bleep** off seller







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Perhaps a gentle suggestion to the PTB to check with Canada Post before deciding things are back to normal?



If this is a continuing problem, and I can see it could be as someone who uses lettermail almost exclusively,  you could try extending your Handling Time from next day or two days to five or seven days.

This should also extend the delivery period.

If we are telling the customer his Shiny will arrive in seven days and it arrives in eight, he will pout.

If we tell him it will arrive in ten days and it arrives in eight he will be happy (or more likely won't notice).


Generally, that "did it arrive on time"  is a very unhelpful button. Either it is so late the customer opens a Dispute or it's a little annoyance and in any case out of the seller's control.


OT- you can get some  reallynice stamp deals on discounted mint stamps on eBay - no need to go to the post office.

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