What are permanent stamps actually worth?

Community Member
I need some clarification on what permanent stamps are actually worth, because every answer I’ve found is as clear as mud.

So, currently, P stamps are $0.90 in booklets/coils, and $1.05 individually.

I am aware that they are good to send a regular >30g letter, but,

When I use them on oversized lettermail, what is their value? $0.90 or $1.05? If I’m mailing oversized lettermail that is less than 100g, ($1.90), do I need 2 permanent stamps or 3?

Thank you.
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The value of the P stamp is the current rate for a lettermail item weighing under 30gr.

And that is


92 cents.

The rest of the price is sales tax. On a single stamp you also pay a service charge,.


You could instead of a P stamp use two 46c stamps.

Or an 80c +12c.

Or a 35c+57c

Any of those equals the value (which is lower than the cost) of the P stamp.


And again the value of a P stamp as of January 12,2020 is

92 cents.


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