global shipping costs to canada

Why is there such a large range of shipping costs to Canada from the same seller? Just looking at a USA seller that is selling clothing ( sweat shirts, golf and T-shirts, light jackets, hoodies). Global shipping program shipping costs for this seller range from $27 to $44 canadian? The same item has a $10 difference? Used to enjoy ebay but refuse to pay these unexplained shipping cost!

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For items like shirts, it's very small item and it has to travel by parcel, which increases costs because of how Global Shipping handles things.

For small items like that eBay actually has a "disclaimer" that GSP is not advisable, but sellers were mass enrolled in GSP years ago, most have no clue they were signed up. So if your seller charges say $20 to ship in USA, that gets added to the shipping to Canada. That's why it just doesn't make any sense.
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