Shipping from Canada

I ship from Canada, small parcel post here has no tracking only proof that parcel has been accepted by the post office. That kind of shipping is in the range of $10 to $12.

To get a tracking for USA it costs $20 and for rest of the world only way is to send it surface 6 weeks trip at the cost of $40 or more. Most of buyers do not belive it and when I send them the Link to CPC they demand the cheap no tracking way.


I put this in my listings; Shipping Terms: Without Tracking  $10.00 packing/shipping to USA $20 with tracking $12 without tracking for all other countries and $40 with tracking.  $12.00 for Canada with tracking, Please chose the method! I will not be responsible for shipments without tracking number.


Is there a better way? Most of my items are to low price to pay for the shipping.

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This another ZOMBIE thread that was raised from 2012

And back then Canada Post parcel prices were much cheaper than today.


Inside Canada, if less than 500g and less than 2cm thick use oversize lettermail. No tracking, but it's cheap.  From 100g for $1.80 to 500g for $5.05

Otherwise it's Expedited parcel using eBay's discount via Shippo (and extra 6% off).


To the USA, if you live in the right spot in Canada, you can use a border shipper to take your parcel across and use cheap USPS domestic rates.  ChitChatsExpress (Vancouver, Toronto, Montreal, Halifax), StallionExpress (Toronto), RunninRed (Winnipeg), DYKpost (Calgary, Edmonton).





Yes, Canada Post is the bane, is the demon of all poor people trying to get ahead a little and survive in the world of corporate nations.  I can't understand why they want to penalize the little guy with these outrageous postal services.  I was just living in China and their postal service is freaking great, even to U.S. and others!  I am now back in Canuck land and shocked at this CP BS.  I have heard Shippo works in Canada but I'm still working on that to see if it's true.  I guess I'll have to check Fedex and Dhl, etc.  What a freaking bloody mess.... Canada Post truly sucks.

You should remove this section from your listings as it is in violation of eBay policy. You are not allowed to disclaim any responsibility for any damage or delays caused by the shipper. "All items purchased from "Jonathan's Mineral Exchange" website, my eBay auctions or "Jonathan's Mineral Exchange" eBay store are made pursuant to understanding that sale is done F.O.B. my premises and any delivery to shipping service is done as a free service on behalf of the buyer. This means that the risk of loss and title for such items pass to you upon our delivery to the carrier. While we always ship by Canada Post You can request the carrier of your choice." Here is the eBay selling practices policy.Read the terms and conditions section,it's the one that says you can't have disclaimers like this in your listings.


I put this in my listings; Shipping Terms: Without Tracking  $10.00 packing/shipping to USA $20 with tracking $12 without tracking for all other countries and $40 with tracking.  $12.00 for Canada with tracking, Please chose the method!

Which is telling sketchey customers that they can choose the lower cost service and then claim non-arrival, getting the item and the money free.

 I will not be responsible for shipments without tracking number.

Yes, you are.


Better is Cookie Jar Insurance.

Because most people are honest, this just means adding a few pennies to every asking price as a sort of premium against problems.

If a problem arises: slow delivery, damage in transit, request for a paid return: the cost is covered by those accumulated pennies.

This works best on low cost items. If you have high value stock, you should look into one off insurers like shipinsurance.


I guess I'll have to check Fedex and Dhl, etc. 

Fun fact.

Couriers who are given shipments to deliver to rural or isolated locations, sub-contract delivery to Canada Post.


I'm having the exact issues with shipping. Went to ship next province over for a small packet under 13oz and it cost 12.50 for a shirt that was purchased by someone for 9.99. Im out 2.50 nevermind making any money. Any tips please share.. would be greatly appreciated.

noname55 Where in Canada are you located?

Community Member

Good morning,

I'm another frustrated seller in Canada. I regularly email the ombusman complaining about how much more it costs to ship within Canada than it costs to ship to the USA. In fact, I sent two of the same items around Christmas, one to Alberta, the other to Sweden. Guess which package was cheaper. Even so, I continue to ship internationally. My shipping prices are as close as possible to my actual cost. I scavenge shipping materials wherever I can. The reality is that most of my customers are Americans. For the few things that I do lose money on shipping, I consider it part of the cost of getting good feedback. Every business has to take a loss somewhere to gain a profit somewhere else. It may sound counterproductive, but I am operating consistantly at a profit.

Hope this helps!

Hello 'noname',

If you don't mind my saying, a buyer would be foolish to opt for the more expensive shipping because a Delivery Confirmed service is to your advantage to retain seller protection. A buyer already has buyer protection. So if you wish to send things that way, fine, list that as your only shipping method, - at least on more expensive items.

On cheaper items it may not be worth it to use Delivery Confirmation (that's what a paypal dispute requires, - not the same as 'tracking') so what most sellers do is add a little pinch of 'personal insurance' to the item price and/or shipping fee of each item, to cover them in the eventuality of a Not Received claim.

Canada Post can be expensive internationally. 'Proving' just how expensive was not a great idea as you now know, and you can't realistically expect people to be happy about the higher fee when they can get it for less. You're the seller, - so take charge of your own business. Choose a method of shipping (YOU do the choosing), state that in your listings, and let it stand.

And another thing or two about your listings, if I may, 🙂 using big red letters to tell buyers that you are not responsible for lost articles (when in fact you are), and exclamation marks to demand they pick a shipping method sounds, well, it sounds awfully unfriendly. To the wrong ears it may sound like you are unreliable and hiding behind that clause as a way to not send the item. There really are sellers who promise an item and don't send it, so you never want to look like one of those.

More importantly is that Note #3 you've got, - I would think a great many people would find that keenly off-putting. You would do yourself a kindness to remove it entirely.


Don't give your buyers the option to chose the cheaper service. You don't need tracking anyway,just delivery confirmation. If the items are inexpensive,you don't need delivery confirmation,just make sure to use an insured service. If the item is lost in the mail,open an insurance claim. You refund the buyer and are repaid when the insurance pays you for the claim. You should also get rid of the statement about not being responsible for shipments without tracking number,it is in violation of eBay policy which states that you are responsible for the safe delivery of the package to the buyer. P.S.,never use surface mail to ship overseas,it's just asking for trouble in the way of item not received disputes,even if the service is delivery confirmed.
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