Why global shipping, charging customs etc where no charge was before

What a master scam. I have purchased always ask for USPS, and only paid custom dutys once. You can bet I will not be buying from any sellers using Global shipping....As we are all aware that used or parts built under NATFA usually don't carry duty charges.

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I am done with Global.  Not only does shipping cost insane. I ended up paying $40 for $100 Item. Then it took 4 weeks to get here.

i am with yu keith. after all these years they come up with another idea to gouge us. if we buy items and ask sellers to declare them as a gift, are we taxed. too bad we were able to save money.  i wish ebay would stop promoting global shipping---bad for business. i will not buy from seller with global shipping.

Community Member

I too don't like the Global Shipping program for the reason you mention and also the tracking of items is pretty bad.  As for the previous answer I don't know what fee this person is referring to.  I bring in lots of items over $20 via USPS/Canada Post  and the only time I have ever been assessed any taxes or service charges or anything was the odd time The value of the item is in the range of a few hundred dollars.  The only thing worse than the Global Shipping program for fees is UPS.

Anyone who likes global shipping program must like giving money away for no reason at all.You sellers that have signed up for this your going to see your sales decrease everyday because more and more people feel ripped off.I don't know any other way of putting how as a buyer feels.That being said please avoid sellers that have signed up for this prograhm.If anyone wants to give there money away im eccepting all amounts big or small.

I agee its a total rip off  I order something else where didnt pay no import fee and the shipping was cheaper. Wont order to much from ebay not if they charge import fees.

I've been buying from the USA for years and items shipped USPS rarely ever arrive with duties or taxes owing unless the value is over 100. Now, I just looked at an item I would like to buy, it's $149 an the estimated duties throgh eBay are $60.52 that's 40%. The duties and taxes should be 15% or $22.50. ... So where does the other $38 go ?. This is a total scam, I feel bad for the people who signed up for this program because I will never buy from them, same way I won't use UPS because of the high brokerage rates, about the same price as the GSP.
I've purchased from sellers who participate in this program, and I've never received an "e-14 invoice for my records", so I have no official record that I've paid duties. In theory, if I left the country with the item, and tried to return with it, they could try to charge me again.

I just got off the phone with eBay Global Shipping Department and was

able to find out a couple of items that will be of interest to Canadians.


First: You can call them (GSD) and have them email you a copy of the VAT #

(money you paid customs) for your records.

Second: They are aware of how Canadians feel about Global shipping,

and i was told in the very near future trackable 1st class international for Canada only

will be available as an alternative to priority shipping as a choice

for USA sellers to offer in their listings. She had no information on custom fees charged, currently in place.

fyi the whole gift thing is a myth not to mention illegal for a seller ...


You right most times you would never pay import fees but asking anyone to lie on customs forms is a bigggggggg no no

If you have been receiving your imports valued at over $20.00 Canadian and

not being charged any taxes or fees then consider yourself lucky.


You may get hit for the next 50 items you buy from outside canada.


From Canada Post's Website.


2.2.1Customs Duties and Taxes

Any item mailed into Canada is potentially subject to duty and/or taxes with few exceptions. Visit the CBSA web site at cbsa-asfc.gc.ca/import/postal-postale/menu-eng.html for more information on mail imports. The CBSA collects provincial sales taxes (PST) on most taxable imports valued at over $20CDN entering Quebec, Manitoba, Saskatchewan and British Columbia. The CBSA also collects Harmonized Sales Taxes (HST) on most taxable imports entering Newfoundland and Labrador, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island, New Brunswick, and Ontario.

Collection of the PST and HST is done in accordance with the agreements between the CBSA and the provincial governments.

Customers with questions regarding the collection of these taxes should call the CBSA Border Information Service (BIS) line:

  • within Canada 1.800.461.9999
  • from outside Canada 1.204.983.3500 or 1.506.636.5064 (long distance charges will apply).

A handling fee of $9.95CDN per dutiable or taxable mail item is applied. This fee is in line with the government’s efforts to help recover costs from those who benefit from services, and is similar to arrangements in the United States and other countries.

Mail items containing merchandise enter Canada through CBSA screening centres, are inspected by CBSA Officers and assessed for applicable customs duties, taxes and charges. If duties and/or taxes are owed, items will be delivered along with the E14 Customs Invoice indicating the amount that the addressee must pay before the package can be released to them. Canada Post collects the fees on behalf of the CBSA and accepts the following methods of payment:

  • cash
  • certified cheque or uncertified business cheque (payable to Canada Post Corporation)
  • credit card (Visa, Master card or American Express)
  • commercial account.

Upon payment and receipt of the item, importers should retain a copy of the E14 Invoice as a receipt for their records.

Please post all questions about the GSP here: Questions about the Global Shipping Program


Please post all comments about the GSP here: Comments about the Global Shipping Program

Used products may or may not be dutiable.

Used products are taxable. 

Gifts are dutiable and taxable although the value at which these kick in is $60 rather than $20.


Canada Post charges as $9.95 minimum service fee on imports they broker through Customs.

The Global Shipping Program/Pitney Bowes charges a minimum $4.95 fee.

UPS and many other couriers charge a minimum $25 fee.

Global shipping does not charge duty.

They charge the taxes that Canada Customs would charge

if the item was over $20.00 Canadian and a small handling fee

compared to $9.95 charged by Canada Customs.

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