buyer initiated questionable return, citing defect, wants full $$$ back,best course of action?

It was a dvd recorder, which he told ebay had one of it's 2 inputs not working. So he wants to return it and get the postage refunded. I have to 13 feb to choose one of the resolutions



- he has his own 'brick and mortar' electronics store, judging from his user name; so he is a local reseller of the product type I sold him

-he is cagey, did not communicate about item problem specifics, at all, to this seller, instead to ebay directly. Yet earlier, before shipping, he quickly replied to a note I sent him about the  now disputed item.

It is possible, but i never heard about ,dead inputs  on dvd recorders before,  internet search results of this was vague to  say the least

- months earlier, another electronics store/repair type, similarly tight lipped,'go direct to ebay' buyer, also disputed a player as 'broken', asked for  partial refund, but later relented and cancelled 'amicably'. I'm fairly certain  that THAT was a scammer, who thought sellers were favored over buyers.

I'm doing fairly well in sales compared to earlier periods, with a new niche to exploit, so now want to  come out of this situation without getting totally scammed if possible.

I did mention the mail fraud concern I have to this buyer, ( without directly implying it) no reply of course.

surely not all the options are 'rollover' 'butter him up', ' it's hopeless' etc?


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Your 30 day return policy means that you accept returns for any reason so the only question is whether you have to refund original shipping and pay for return shipping.  Since the buyer opened a not as described/not working case, your only real option imo is to accept the return and send a return shipping label.  Ebay doesn’t know what the condition of the item is or if there really is a problem so if you refuse to do that, they will likely rule against you and in some cases they will refund without requiring a return.  You would also get an unresolved claim defect.


Sorry, that probably isn’t what you want to hear but hopefully you will get your item back and be able to resell it.